Page 53 - January 2017
P. 53

January 2017                      January 2017


       The  following is  copied  from  the  DorsetForYou
       web site
       Recycling your real Christmas tree
       If  you  buy  a  cut  Christmas  tree,  there  are
       various  options  for  what  to  do  with  it  once
       you've finished with it:
            first, please remove all decorations from
             your tree
            if  you  have  a  garden  waste  collection,
             you  can  cut  your  real  tree  into  small
             pieces  and  put  it  in  your  garden  waste
             bin  for  your  first  collection  after  6
             January.  Garden  waste  is  taken  to  be
            real  Christmas  trees  can  be  taken  to  your  local  household  recycling
             centre and placed in the garden waste container for composting, free of
            alternatively,  you  can  put  your  tree  next  to  your  bin  on  your
             first rubbish collection after 6 January (not recycling collection). However,
             please note that trees collected with rubbish will be taken for treatment or
             landfill and will not be composted
       Fake Christmas trees will not be collected. If you can't keep it to use again, please
       take your tree to your local household recycling centre.
       It seems the first rubbish collection after 12th night (6th January) is 17th January. If
       you  cannot  wait  that  long  to  get  rid  of  your  tree  then  you  can  mail  me,  Mike
       Menzies, and I will collect your tree on Saturday 7th
       January. Same rules – must be a real tree, free from all decorations. I will shred it
       and recycle. (Anyone who wants mature compost please email me.)

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