Page 61 - January 2017
P. 61

January 2017                         January 2017

       Please note that this public meeting will be followed by the usual January Parish
       Council Meeting and as such it replaces the normal meeting of Wednesday 11
       January 2017.

       Reporting Highways issues
       Dorset County Council would like to remind parishioners that the quickest way to
       report  Highways  issues  is  to  go  on-line.  Its  a  simple  process  which  gives  you  a
       reference number and reports progress along the way.  Link for reporting highway
       issues -


       Following the arrival of the last few items of
       bowls  equipment  near  to  the  end  of
       November  the  first  short  mat  bowls  session
       was  arranged  to  take  place  in  the  village
       hall on the 7  December
       So  on  the  afternoon  of  the  7   December
       eleven eager participants met at the village
       hall  for  their  first  experience  of  short  mat
       bowls, under the expert guidance of two accomplished players from Crossways
       short mat bowls club.  It is opportune at this point to thank Larry and Joyce for
       their  tuition  and  for  offering  us  their  time  and  experience  so  that  Briantspuddle
       can set up its own short mat bowls club.
       Whilst none could claim to be natural short mat bowls players, with our “woods”
       veering  off  the  mat  at  times  or  sailing  past  the  jack  and  into  the  gutter,  the
       consensus of everyone was that all had a most enjoyable time and were looking
       forward to the next session.
       Wednesday afternoon was not the first choice for all those who had expressed
       interest  in  short  mat  bowls,  but  that  was  a  day  that  our  tutors  were  available.
       Therefore the next session of short mat bowls at Briantspuddle village hall will take
       place on the 10  January at 2:30pm, which is a Tuesday afternoon.
       For those who are still in full time employment, or were unable to be at the first
       session  on  the 7   December,  or  those  who have  been  bitten  by  the  short  mat
       bowls  bug,  there  will  be  a  further  taster  session  on  Monday  16   January
       commencing at 8pm.
                                                                    Peter Talbot

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