Page 32 - January 2017
P. 32

January 2017                                                                        January 2017
                                                                                           DRAX HALL
       CLUB DRAW                                                                            Thank  you  to  all  who  supported  the  Christmas  Market
                                                                                            and the Christmas Bingo..
       Twenty  Explorer  Scouts  (plus  four  Explorers  who  participated  in  the  Nepal  2013
       Expedition) will be undertaking an expedition to Kenya in the summer of 2017. The     The two Events raised approx. £400 towards the Pop In
       KENYA 2017 PRIZE CLUB is now being launched for the second year as part of their     Place  defib  fund  that  with  the  £300  from  the  Bemister
       fundraising  challenge  for  the  expedition.  The  prize  club  raises  money  to  go   Trust we stand at £700                                DRAX
       towards their travel to Kenya and to assist the project that they will be running with   Notice  to  all  user  groups  re  the  Hall’s  Chair  Lift  please
       whilst they are there.                                                                                                                         HALL
                                                                                            always leave the chair lift in the charging position after
       The winners of the November draw were 1st Debbie Franks, 2nd Angela Haigh, 3rd       use, if you hear a bleeping sound you have NOT left it in
       Caroline Burt                                                                        the correct position.
       A ‘ticket’ for the year costs £12 (£1 per month). You can buy tickets for the rest of
       the year on a pro-rata basis (i.e. £11 for 11 months remaining). Application forms
       for prize club tickets are available from Gill on 01929 471242.                      Village Hall Hiring
                                                                                            The village hall has two options for hire the large upper Hall at £8 per hour and the
                                                                                            Lower room at £7 per hour please telephone Lyn Simmonds on 01929 471528 to
                                                                                            discuss your requirements and view the facilities available.
       Prize Bingo is every other Friday at the Scout Hut, In January the bingo night will be   Volunteer Still Wanted to keep the outside of the Village Hall tidy and plant up the
       held  on  Friday  6   and  20th.    Doors  open  at  7.00pm  for  a  7.30pm  start.    tubs and keep them weeded and watered please phone 01929 472023 if you can
       Refreshments are available.
                                                                                            make this your contribution to the community.

                                                                                            Happy New Year to all
                                                                                                                                        Alison Bennett Hall Chairperson
       The  Scout  Hut  is  available  for  hire,  particularly  during  the  daytime  –  rates  from
       £7.00 per hour.
       For  more  information,  please  contact  Andrea  Marshall  on  01929 472588  or  0788
       422 6445,

       If  anyone  would  like  further  information  about  Bere  Regis  Scout  Group  or  the
       Kingsbere  Explorer  Scout  Unit,  all  the  contact  details  for  the  individual  sections
       (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) are available in the village directory at the
       back of this magazine.
       General enquiries and offers of help/assistance:  Neal Unitt-Jones on 01929 472273.
       Scout Group Publicity: Andrea Marshall on 01929 472588 and Helen Unitt-Jones on
       01929 472273.

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