Page 34 - January 2017
P. 34

January 2017                                                                        January 2017
                                                                                                               AUTUMN LEAVES

                                                                                                               OVER  50’S CLUB

                                                                                                              Our  new  year  begins  on  Wednesday  11th  January  in  the
                                                                                                              SCOUT  HUT  at  2.30pm,  with  entertainment  by  Alex  Betts
                                                                                                              singing  to  his  guitar  and  encouraging  members  to  join  in
                                                                                                              with him. As usual there will be refreshments and a Raffle.
         Puddletown First School
                                                                                            We must thank Kath Jeeves for organising this club for over 40 years and she feels
         Dorchester Road
                                                                                            that she could do with a rest and we must now thank Sylvia Bayliss for her very
         Puddletown                                                                         kind  offer  of  booking  the  programme  and  the  committee  for  keeping  things
                        Monday's 7.30 pm                                                    going for another year. Any suggestions of subjects you would like to have talks
                                                                                            about in the future would be appreciated so give her a call on 472697.
                             Call Julie on
                           07871 821928                                                     New  members  are  always  welcome  and  there  is  no  membership  fee  but  a
                                                                                            donation  at  each  meeting  of  £1.50  covers  the  cost  of  the  speaker  or
                                                                                            entertainment  and  your  refreshments.  Items  for  the  raffle  are  always  much

                                                                                             BERE REGIS MOT and SERVICE
                                                LOW COST PLANTS                                         CENTRE
                                                                                                    TEL: 01929 472205
                                                  AND SHRUBS!!                                (No Re-Test Fee within 10 working days)
                                               We have a good selection of home-                        REPAIRS
                                               grown shrubs, perennials, bedding,                 BRAKES * EXHAUSTS
                                               basket, patio and greenhouse plants
                                                                                                COMPUTERISED DIAGNOSTICS
                                                plus plug plants (if pre-ordered).                LATEST EQUIPMENT FOR
                                                                                                 MOST MAKES AND MODELS

                                                Ready made hanging baskets and
                                                                                             OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                 IN THE MOTOR TRADE

                                               Very competitive prices.  Profits to                Proprietor: Bill Greer
                                                          charities.                               Unit 1 Townsend Business Park
                                                                                                      Bere Regis, BH20 7LA
                                                                                                   (At rear of Shell Petrol Station)
                                               Graham Nash 10 Broadclose, Winterborne  Kingston
                                                        Blandford DT11 9BL


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