Page 29 - January 2017
P. 29

January 2017                         January 2017



       Guilty  or  Not  Guilty?  A  visit  from  two  local
       magistrates proved an interesting and informative
       night  for  the  Kingsbere  Explorers.  A  bit  of
       background and history of the court system in the
       UK,  together  with  some  interactive  decisions  on
       real examples of crimes and offences proved that
       every  case  should  be  looked  at  objectively  and
       on an individual basis. A thought provoking night!

       A  more  creative  evening  kicked  off  the  festive
       season  with  Xmas  cake  decorating  and  some
       simple  origami  craft  tree  decorations.  The  ever-
       popular  Christmas  party  was  a  great  end  to  the
       year for the Kingsbere members of 2016!


                                               The  Scout  troop  worked  towards
                                               the  World  Challenge  award
                                               during November, with the help of
                                               their  Young  Leaders  Jordi  and
                                               Tom.  The  Explorers  spoke  about
                                               their  training  and  preparation  for
                                               their  expedition  to  Kenya  next
                                               summer.  Information  about  life  in
                                               Kenya  was  presented  to  the
                                               Scouts and they explored the type
                                               of  project  our  group  of  young
       people will be involved with in the communities that they will visit in Africa.
       A  second  week  of  activities  run  by  the  Young  Leaders  involved  the  work  of
       the Samaritan's Purse charity which coordinates an initiative called 'Operation
       Christmas  Child'.  Each  patrol  made  up  shoes  boxes  which  were  covered  in
       wrapping  paper  and  filled  with  presents.  They  will  be  given  to  children  in
       communities around the world who receive very little for Christmas. The Scouts
       sent  letters  of  friendship  to the  recipients  and  included  photos  of  their  groups
       inside the boxes, to help spread a little joy around the world on Christmas day.

       Preparing for a Merry Christmas a little bit closer to home was the subject of an
       activity night at the start of December. This involved making and decorating the
       Scout hut with lots of paper chains and origami trees for all our guests at the

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