Page 30 - January 2017
P. 30

January 2017                                                                        January 2017
                                                                                            have Bere Regis Watercress at 50p a bunch when in season and the Fruit and
         annual Scout community lunch,                                                      Veg and eggs on the stall in the Foyer run by Tony Shave. If you would you like
         and for the benefit of those who                                                   transport to the Pop In Place
         use  the  hut  over  the  festive
         period.                                                                            Telephone Max Saywell on 471062 he will collect you and take you home.

                                                                                            WANTED  NEW  VOLUNTEERS  FOR  THE  TEA  ROTA  We  are  always  looking  for  new
                                                                                            volunteers to join our team on the tea rota if you can spare a morning a month
                                                                                            please do phone me on 01929 472023 or call in on a Monday or Friday and put
                                                                                            your name on the rota.

                                                                                            WANTED  Wool  donations  double  knit,  to  make  into  blankets  for  the  Rivers  of
                                                                                            Living Water project also Wanted are  Good Quality items for our sales table

                                        CUBS                                                Thank you to the all the  people who have been donating items  we are always
                                                                                            very pleased  with  your kind donations of small items such as ornaments vases
                                        The  Cubs  wrapped  up  warmly  for  a  very        etc. and also books for our bric a brac stall and clothing for our sale rail. All this
                                        cold  night  hike  around  Bere  Regis  where       will help to raise funds to pay the rental for the use of the room. Any donations
                                        they   did   some   star   gazing,   highly         must be good quality and can be brought in on Monday or Friday Morning.
                                        recommended  as  we  have  very  little  light
                                        pollution and the sky is amazing at this time
                                        of  year.    Other  activities  to  finish  the  year   Poppets Baby and Toddler Group meets on Thursday
                                        included  learning  some  Morse  code  and          Mornings 9.30 until 11.30
                                        making crystals. At this time of year a trip to
                                        the pantomime is a must on the activity list         At the Lower Drax Hall during Term Time.
                                        and  we  joined  with  the  Beavers  in
         Weymouth  to  see  Jack  and  the  Beanstalk.  In celebration  of  Cubs  being  100   We are also able to offer breastfeeding advice by a trained member of our staff
         years old the Pack attended a District party at Furzebrook Village Hall. It was a   and  a  relaxed  informal  meeting  place.  There  is  often  a  clothing  exchange  of
         fun evening with a birthday cake and they all renewed their promises.              children’s  clothes,  do  come  along    and  try  us  out  new  members  are  most
                                                                                            welcome,  Sarah  and  Jackie  offer  a  warm  welcome  to  all  Parents  Carers

                                                                                            Grandparent with babies or toddlers.

         Beavers had a lovely end to the year, with our seven oldest Beavers achieving      Coming up this month at the Pop In Place
         their Chief Scout Bronze Award before moving on the Cubs in January.  It has
         been a real effort to achieve the Personal Challenge, but they have all tried      Bring and Buy sale on Friday 20  January 10am in Lower
         hard  and  done  well.    It  has  been  a  pleasure  to  see  these  Beavers  grow  in
         responsibility as Lodge Leaders and Assistant Lodge Leaders, and we wish them
         all the best for their future in Scouting.  It has also been a privilege to invest 3   We wish all our supporters a very Happy New Year
         new Beavers at the end of November, and we are ready to welcome 3 more
         in January.  We are a busy section, but there are still a few spaces for anyone
         aged 5years 9 months - 8 years who wishes to join us in the New Year..
                                                                                             Please do Check out Pop In Place Website
         In  November  we  had  two  sessions,  one  indoor  and  one  outdoor,  led  by  our                                Alison  Bennett Team Leader 01929 472023
         fantastic  Young  Leaders,  and  Mia  took  a  session  making  tasty  chocolate
         treats.    We  practiced  ringing  handbells  for  the  Community  Christmas  Lunch

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