Page 27 - January 2017
P. 27

January 2017                         January 2017

 President  - Peter Cheeseman   R  O  G  S

 Captain -  Mark Teed
 c/o Mr G R Storey, Secretary   NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER
 Secretary - Guy Storey
 9 Boswells Close, Bere Regis, BH20 7JE
 Treasurer - Peter Cheeseman
 Telephone:- 01929 471041   e-mail:   I  often  feel  that  the  title  of  this  column  can  be
       misleading  –  whilst  I  do  spend  Monday  to  Thursday
 Golf Days held every month, usually the last Friday, from February through to October.
 New members are invited to join.   Contact Guy Storey – 471041 for membership forms and details.   each  week  in  London,  my  focus  is  always  on  what
       can  benefit  the  people  in  Mid  Dorset  and  North
       Poole. I am always pleased to return home to Dorset
 V E N U E S   2017
       on Thursday evenings, to be able to spend as much
       time as I can in our beautiful county.
 Date   Venue   Trophy   Winner
 24th February   Bramshaw GC   GRS Trophy      In  recent  months,  I  am  pleased  to  have  worked
       closely with local councillors, and officers, to support
 31st March   Hamptworth GC   Members’ Cup      their decision to pause the partial review of the local plan in Purbeck. I have had a
       variety  of  meetings  with  residents’  groups,  and  site  visits,  including  with
 28th April   Malborough GC   Whitbread Pairs
       representatives in Wareham who are all doing an excellent job of engaging with
 26th  May   Bulbury Woods GC   Ex-Landlord’s Cup      the  consultation  process,  and  helping  to  shape  its  outcome.  I  have  met  the
       Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, emphasising that any
 30th June   Sidmouth GC   Captain’s Cup
       housing  developments  should  be  appropriate,  and  not  imposed  by  central
 28th July   Cams Hall GC   Memorial Cup      government.  I  continue  to  have  meetings  and  discussions  with  Purbeck  District
       Council  over  housing  provision,  but  ultimately  the  decisions  are  made  by  your
 25th August   Moors Valley GC   Jim Corbin Cup      elected members at Purbeck District Council. I will continue to support councillors
 29th September  Ashley Wood GC   President’s Cup      as  they  move  through  the  independent  review  of  the  process  that  is  currently
       under  way,  and  I  am  delighted  that  Purbeck  have  listened  to  all  of  our
 27th October   Yeovil GC   Zoom Trophy      representations.

       There is a need to have some new housing to meet the needs of local families, but
 Mini tour 16 - 18 June   Chepstow   AGM 7.00 for 7.30  -     it should not be to the detriment of those already living here. Dorset is a wonderful
 Annual tour  14 – 21 September     Christmas Cup of Good Cheer and Presentation   place to live, and part of that is the amount of open space and countryside that
 Gloria Golf Resort-Turkey   evening  -   DGCC   -
       we have, as well as the stunning Jurassic coastline. I will continue to press for the
       development  of  brownfield  sites  for  developments,  so  that  we  can  protect  the
       Green Belt.
       For  information  about  current  consultations,  and  up  to  date  news  about  what  I

       have been doing in both London and Mid Dorset and North Poole, please do visit
       my website.
       As we start 2017, I will continue to visit local schools, charities and businesses, and
       will continue with my regular surgeries for constituents. If you have an issue that you
       need    help   with,   please   do   get   in   touch;   email   me   on  or  contact  my  office  on  01202 624216.  You
       can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been  doing  on  Twitter  @Michael4mdnp  or  Facebook

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