Page 62 - feb-mag-2022
P. 62

February 2022                        February 2022
 planned.  The  full  details  of  this  are  shown  in  our  winter  service  policy  Dorset   We would therefore ask you to remain patient and courteous with the dispensing
 Highways Winter Service Policy and Operational Plan - Dorset Council. However, as   team who endeavour to work as quickly and as safely as possible to ensure your
 a standard rule we would normally salt the precautionary network if road surface   medications are ready when you come to collect them or when dealing with any
 temperatures are expected to drop below 1° Celsius.   prescription queries and that you continue to show them kindness and respect.

 The amount of salt we use varies between 8 g/m² and 40 g/m² dependent on road
 conditions and temperature. At 8 g/m² we use approx. 70 tonne per run. At 40 g/
 m² we use 350 tonne per run. During heavy snow conditions we’re likely to use over   Blood pressure monitors
 1000 tonnes in 24 hours. We have just under 1000 salt bins in Dorset. Each salt bin is   If  you  have  a  blood  pressure  monitor  which
 either  a  'strategic’  or  ‘community’  bin.  Dorset  Council  fills  all  bins  at  the  start  of   has  been  loaned  to  you  from  the  Practice
 each  winter  season.  Strategic  bins  are  then  refilled  during  the  winter  free  of   we would be grateful if it could be returned
 charge, community bins are refilled on request and paid for by town and parish   to us as soon as possible. Thank you
 councils. Salt bins can be requested to be refilled here Salt bins - Dorset Council
 Town and parish councils can also purchase one-tonne dumpy bags of salt.

 Dorset Health Walks

 A community health walk is a
 free, short, and regular guided
 walk that lasts between ten to
 ninety  minutes  for  people  of
 all  abilities.  They  are  the   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them
 perfect  way  to  get  more
 active  and  to  meet  new   you saw their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them
 people.     With  so   many
 beautiful parks, green spaces,   monitor the effectiveness of their advert and helps us
 towns  and  villages  waiting  to   generate more advertising revenue!!
 be  explored  in  Dorset,  these
 community walks give you the
 opportunity  to  discover  new
 places  in  the  fresh  air  and  to
 socialise  afterwards.  Trained  volunteer  walk  leaders  are  on  hand  to  welcome
 participants  at  each  location  and  will  provide  encouragement  and  support   Quality Tax and
 throughout the walk. Walking can help improve overall health and wellbeing. It is   KingsBere
 important to start slowly and build fitness gently, at a pace that is comfortable for   Accounting
 There are over thirty weekly walks to choose from across the Dorset Council area.   Accountants   For professional advice, dealing with all
 East  Dorset,  Purbeck,  North  and  Mid  Dorset,  Dorchester,  Bridport,  West  Dorset,   aspects of accounts and tax
 Weymouth and Portland all offer a variety of walks in each location, most of which
 are close to public transport. There are also walks available within Dorset’s Country   Day and evening appointments available
 If  you  enjoy  walking  and  would  like  to  be  part  of  the  volunteer  team,  please   Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
 contact us as we are always looking for new leaders to support the walks.

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