Page 66 - feb-mag-2022
P. 66

February 2022                        February 2022

 Planned Garden Waste Changes
 Dorset  Council’s  Garden  Waste  team  have  been  working  hard  to  optimise  the
 Garden  Waste  collection  rounds  in  order  to  increase  efficiency  and
 accommodate  capacity  for  new  customer  growth.  This  work  will  result in  some
 Dorset  residents  experiencing  changes  to  their  Garden  Waste  collection  days
 from 10 January 2022. The Garden Waste team has written directly to all affected
 households, clearly explaining their new collection dates before the new rounds
 come  into  effect.  If  a  customer  does  not  receive  a  letter,  they  should  assume
 their  collection  dates  are  unaffected.  Any  queries  should  be  sent  to:
 Approximately 1,750 households will be affected with a change in their Garden
 Waste collection day, with the majority of households affected being in West and
 Eastern areas of Dorset.

 Blue Badge Consultation

 It  is  Dorset  Council’s  intention  to  align
 parking  charges  across  Dorset  Council
 car parks, on-street parking and car park
 permits.   As   part   of   the   Parking
 Transformation project, it was recognised
 that  along  with  other  car  parking
 charging  alignment  that  the  policies  for   branch’  as  Leaders  and  Assistant  Leaders,  or  as  non-uniformed  occasional
 Blue  Badge  car  park  charging  also   helpers.  We  also  need  some  help  on  our  Executive  Committee  which  meets
 needed to be brought into line.   around 3 times a year and manages the Group with such matters as finance and

 Following  a  public  survey  and  discussion   fund-raising,  looking  after  our  Headquarters  building,  meeting  requests  for  new
 groups  with  Blue  Badge  holders,  the   equipment and resources from our active Sections, etc
 proposed policy is designed to meet the needs of Blue Badge holders, be easy to   You may have an existing or latent skill which we could use – an outdoor activity,
 understand and be consistent across the Dorset Council area. Please look at the   a  craft,  musical  ability,  cooking  and  catering,  first  aid,  financial  experience,
 website for more details.   carpentry, building maintenance, gardening, etc, etc – there is practically no limit
       to the life skills and opportunities we introduce our youngsters to! Some roles may

       require training which is provided for free, much of it now on-line.
 Helpline for Parents and carers worried about their child’s
 progress   If you are at all interested in helping us to continue to provide this much-needed
       and popular youth provision in the local community, please get in touch with me,
 Dorset  Council  has  launched  an  initiative  to  help  parents  and  carers  who  are   Phil  Ventham  or  01929  471215  or  any  of  the  Scout
 worried  their  child  might  not  be  making  the  progress  they  should  be  and  may   Leaders who you might know.
 have emerging special education needs. The Dorset Education Advice Line is a
 phone line for parents, carers and professionals who support children who may   PS We have bags of firewood for sale - £5 per bag – proceeds towards the 2023
 have special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND). This advice line is part   Expedition to Borneo. Contact Julien Lightfoot on 07710 944434 or 01929 472277
 of  our  SEND  Local  Offer  to  children,  young  people  and  families  and  will  work
 alongside  existing  services  such  as  Dorset  Special  Educational  Needs  and
 Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) and the Education

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