Page 59 - feb-mag-2022
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February 2022                                                                       February 2022

            A Natural History of the Hedgerow by John
             Wright  2016      .                                                                           BERE REGIS NEWS
       Peter  Wohlleben  in  his  book  tells  us  how  trees
       communicate  with  each  other  and  their                                           BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
       neighbouring  species  and  explains  why  there
       must  be  a  consideration  of  the  environment
       generally  and  all  its  constituent  parts.  It  is  a                             Chairman:            07900 906278
       wonderful  example  of  how  no  one  species  can                                             Mathers
       survive on its own and makes it very clear that we
       have to allow nature to work its own miracles, For                                   Vice      Bryan      07969 770890
       example,  fungal    mycelia    are  essential  for  the                              Chairman:  Benjafield
       preparation of food for the  roots of all the plants
       and  play  such an important part   in  keeping  all                                 Parish    Amanda     07855 396073
       potential  habitats  alive..  All  the  insects,  slugs,                             Clerk:     Crocker
       snails,  fungi  and  bacteria  are  so  essential  for  all
       living species so different in form and living needs
       are all reliant on each other.                                                       Websites: 
       Isabella  Tree  and  her  husband  have  a  large
       estate  in  Sussex,  farming  heavy  soils,  where  intensively  grazed  animals  were   The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  13   January  2022  in  the  Drax  Hall.  Four
       making oa mess of much of the land and arable farming was a great problem            members  of  the  public  were present.  The  next  meeting will  be  on  Thursday  10
       due to the difficulty of working the soil. It was decided that the estate should be   February  2022.  Members  of  the  press  and  public  are  welcome  and  there  is  a
       allowed  to  grow  wild.  More  deer  were introduced,  While  cattle  and  pigs  were   period for public participation at the start. If you are unable to attend but wish to
       allowed to range the woodland as well as what had been the arable land. All in       submit a comment or question, please contact the Clerk or any member of the
       all  ,although  stockmen  were  still  required  to  manage  the  free  ranging  animals,   Parish Council.

       Restoring the Wild is a wonderful description of how many species of birds were      Donation
       reintroduced  to  places  in  the  UK.  These  include  the  sea  eagle  (white  tailed
       eagle) which can now be found on the Isle of Wight and the red kite, which can       Paul Martin played Christmas carols and music outside the shop on the 23  and
       be seen in many rural parts of the UK.                                               24  December. All donations received are to go to the school. Jagtar Singh Dhesi
                                                                                            and Rajwinder Kaur, the owners of the shop, very kindly donated a further £250 to
       Otter Country is a story of the reintroduction of otters to many parts of the UK and   go  towards  the  school.  Our  warmest  thanks  are  extended  to  them  for  this  very
       tells how it was done, its effect on the countryside and the human interest it has   generous donation.

       The  Natural  History  of  the  Hedgerow  is  a  wonderful  book  which  covers  an
       enormous  amount  of  ground.  The  history  of  hedges  and  walls.  Why  they  were   Elder Road Footpath
       needed, how they were grown and managed. How many more species of plants             The  work  to  the  path  has  now  been
       and animals became involved. How legislation controlled both their introduction,     completed.  This  is  the  largest,  most
       their removal and the constitution.                                                  expensive  project  the  Parish  Council
       All five books are thoroughly recommended. I just hope I can now get this article    has  undertaken  for  several  years.
       to the editor in time and in one piece.                                              Residents  and  visitors  will  now  be  able
                                                                                            to use the circular walk and children will
                                                                       Ted Cox              be  able  to  get  to  school  without

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