Page 57 - feb-mag-2022
P. 57

February 2022                                                                       February 2022

        POLECAT SIGHTINGS                                                                   Village Calendars
                                                                                            The sale of the calendars made a profit of £180. This money will be donated to the
                                                                                            Firefighters Charity.
       Apparently    polecats    are
       gradually  re-establishing  locally
       after  years  of  persecution  in  the                                               Speed Watch Report
       previous century and earlier. Our
       home  is  near  the  top  of  Rye  Hill
       and you may interested that, on                                                      Monday  1   December;  Court
       Saturday  20th  November,  we                                                        Green 11am to 12pm
       saw a polecat within yards of our                                                    Total  number  of  vehicles  340;  of
       back  door  at  about  7:15  a.m.                                                    which 2 were travelling in excess
       Previously  on  19  July  2014  we                                                   of 38 mph and 20 were travelling
       had a sighting of a family group                                                     in excess of 30 mph.
       of  a  mother  and  two  three
       quarter  grown  youngsters  which
       stayed around  our  garden  for  most  of  the morning that day  disappearing from   Monday 6th December; Green Close 1pm to 2pm
       time to time into shrubs only to emerge again later. We've had no further sightings
       until this recent one so we were very pleased as it suggests the re-establishment is   This  was  monitored  by  DST.  As  it  was  raining  our  team  did  not  join  DST  for  this
       continuing successfully.                                                             session. 20 vehicles were recorded travelling in excess of 36 mph and will receive
                                                                                            a speeding fine.
       We had reported the earlier sighting to DERC at the time and have reported this
       latest  sighting  to  them  and  the  DWT  with  the  latter  body  being  especially
       interested with the development (if that is the right word) of the Wild Woodbury     13th of December was cancelled due to the weather.
       project  which is  only  half  a  mile  away.  Unfortunately  we  were  unable  to  get  a   The next session will be on 10th January 2022.
       photograph as the creature was constantly on the move hunting in and out the
                                                                                            Parish Lengthsman
                                                             Jan and Chris Nother
                                                                                            Most residents are aware that we are in the very fortunate position that we have
                                                                                            a Lengthsman but perhaps not many actually know what he does. So here is a
                                                                                            breakdown of the work he undertook for the parish during December.
                                                                                            23 hours at the Cemetery keeping the grass and hedges neatly cut at all times,
                                                                                            clearing litter, and maintaining the graves and marking plots for new burials.
                                                                                            14 hours at the play area – undertaking maintenance of all the play equipment
                                                                                            and  carrying  out  all  necessary  repairs.  Litter  picking  the  area  and  carrying  out
                                                                                            weekly inspections.
                                                                                            37.5 hours clearing litter and fly tipping from around the parish, emptying litter bins
                                                                                            and taking it to the tip.
                                                                                            39  hours  clearing  fallen  trees  and  branches  and  removing  the  debris  from  the
                                                                                            Elder Road area, Rye Hill and West Street.
                                                                                            Other  duties  included  repairing  benches,  collecting  and  delivering  Christmas

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