Page 67 - feb-mag-2022
P. 67

February 2022                                                                       February 2022

        MORE THAN A MOVIE                                                                  “These  are  responsible  and  carefully  considered  budget  proposals,  designed  to
                                                                                           ensure the council can continue to deliver vital services to meet the needs of our
                                                                                           residents. “We have robust plans to deliver efficiency and transformation savings
                                                                                           so we can balance the council’s budget while avoiding cuts to essential frontline
       No Time to Die                                                                      services.  “We continue to face an exceptionally difficult period due to the COVID
       Friday February 18th at 7.30pm                                                      pandemic  and  growing  demand  and  price  pressures.  We  are  grateful  to
                                                                                           Government for the better than anticipated financial settlement for next year, but
       Village  Hall,  The  Causeway,  Milborne  St  Andrew                                we really need multi-year settlements so we can plan for the longer term.
       DT11 0JX
       Doors and bar open 7.00                                                             New Grants for Community Projects in Dorset
       Tickets cost £5, which includes a drink or an ice-                                  Dorset    Council    has
       cream                                                                               launched  a  new  grant  to

       This is the last of Daniel Craig’s films as James Bond. One reviewer wrote: Director   support   not   for   profit
       and  co-screenwriter  Cary  Fukunaga  ...  has  crafted  a  beautiful  movie  with  a   community  and  cultural
       real sense on how to showcase the majesty and suspense... It's a remarkably         organisations   to   deliver
       beautiful  looking  movie...  not  just  in  the  exotic  locales  and  scenic  vistas  but   new and improved facilities
       simply in its depiction of action.                                                  for   local   communities.
                                                                                           The   Capital   Leverage
       I saw it when it came out and thought it was really really good – and I am not a    Fund  can  help  fund  a
       fan of these films usually. I was utterly engaged, thought the story-line was very   range of projects, including
       good, and the whole film worthy of seeing again: I am very much looking forward     village  hall  or  community
       to doing just that! Do come and join me and others on Feb 18 .                      building   enhancements,
                                                                                           renovations,  maintenance,
                                                                     Sarah Ryan            o r    n e w     b u i l d
                                                                                           projects,   including   car
        CASTLE PLAYERS  - LYTCHETT                                                         parks, play areas, multi-use games areas, theatres, community sports clubs, sports
                                                                                           pitches and landscaping. We also welcome applications for projects that helps to
        MATRAVERS                                                                          address  climate  change  themes,  new  public  art,  or  heritage  capital  projects
                                                                                           including accredited museums.
       Castle Players were disappointed to have postponed their                            You can apply for a capital grant of between £1,000 and £25,000, to fund up to
       Christmas pantomime this year, but due to covid measures                            20% of your total project costs. For more details on criteria, fund aims, and how to
       and  cast  illness,  they  felt  it  was  the  best  option  to  keep               complete  your  application  form  please  go  to  the  Dorset  Council  website.
       everyone  safe.  The  pantomime  will  be  rescheduled  for                         Applications can only be accepted via our online application form. Applications
       January 2024.                                                                       will  close  at  12pm  on  Friday  6  January  2023.  However  please  note  that
                                                                                           Applications will be considered three times a year.
       Looking forwards, we have Still Alice, directed by Deanna Langford in May, and
       thinking about our further productions in October and the New Year.                 If you’d like to speak to us about your project, or need more information email us
                                                                                           at:  for  Community  and  voluntary  sector
       If anyone would like to audition for this play and get involved, auditions are being   applicants  (including  play):    For  cultural  applicants  (arts,  accredited  museums,
       held at Morden Village Hall at 7pm on 2  February and we would love to see you      heritage, sports and physical activity): -  Good
       there.                                                                              Luck!
       As always if you would like to get involved in other ways, please see our website

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