Page 53 - feb-mag-2022
P. 53

February 2022                                                                       February 2022
        POETRY CORNER                                                                       even with plenty of food and a good coat the nights are long and cold. Birds will
                                                                                            seek  shelter from  the worst of  cold  winds in  bushes,  trees  and  around buildings.
                                                                                            Long-tailed  tits  move  around  in  groups  over  winter  and  spend  their  nights
          The Potting Shed                                                                  together to keep warm, constantly shifting so that no one bird is left in the coldest
                                                                                            position  on  the outside of the group.  Wrens  although  much  more  territorial  can
                                                                                            put  aside  these  instincts  overnight  to  group  together  to  enjoy  some  communal
          I bought myself a wormery. It cost me twenty quid.                                warmth; up to twenty wrens have been spotted in the morning emerging from a
          I saw it at an auction. Mine was the highest bid.                                 single nest box.
          I read all the instructions, word for word, as best I could.
          Now I make prime compost, as a keeper of a wormery should.                        Contact Us
          I feed them with the leftovers, from breakfast, dinner and tea,
          But with a solemn vow, I promise my worms, that one day they’ll get               If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  Group  or  to  be
          me,                                                                               included on our mailing list, please contact:
                                                                                            Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or
          I like to stay organic, and I give them greens galore.
          Being green is something, which a man cannot ignore.                              Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.
          If my worms had hands they’d rub them, at the time of day,
          I gather up my gubbins and to them, I wend my way.
          I feed them with the leftovers, from breakfast, dinner and tea,
          But with a solemn vow, I promise my worms, that one day they’ll get

          If I’m driving down a road, and I spy a recent kill,
          I scoop it up and mix it in with all my kitchen swill.
          Some flattened, furred or feathered friend, and once I found an owl.
          I stir them up with my garden spade, but sometimes I use my trowel.
          I feed them with the leftovers, from breakfast, dinner and tea,
          But with a solemn vow, I promise my worms, that one day they’ll get

          If someone asks me how I do it, I adopt a lowered tone.
          My little ways are not little ways, I would like to be too widely known.
          I ask them into my potting shed, and then I close the door.
          I bonk them on the head, and then I drop them to the floor.
          I feed them with the leftovers, from breakfast, dinner and tea,
          But with a solemn vow, I promise my worms, that one day they’ll get

          Paul J Openshaw

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