Page 56 - feb-mag-2022
P. 56

February 2022                        February 2022
 trees,  opening  and  closing  the  cemetery  every  day,  keeping  the  Cross  and
 central  car  park  tidy  and  litter  free,  and  collecting  recycling  from  around  the   BERE REGIS WI
 His duties vary depending on the time of year and what events or issues arise. Had   Another  year  is  upon  us  and  let  us  hope  that it
 we not got a Lengthsman, much of the work he does would have to be done by   will  at  least  be  better  in  all  respects  than  2021
 Dorset  Council  or  volunteers.  This  means,  rather  than  have  someone  who  can   though reading the  newspaper today we  have
 respond instantly, any defect would have to be logged with Dorset Council and   been  given  a  lot  to  think  about  whether  it  is
 then could take over a month before anything was done.    government  wise,  healthwise  or  our  social  lives.
       Happy New Year!

 Next Meeting                             BUT  we  do  have  something  pleasant  to
                                          look  forward  to  and  that  is  our  dear
 The next meeting will be held on Thursday 10  February 2022, commencing 7pm   Queen's Platinum Jubilee in June. The WI
 at the Drax Hall. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda for discussion,   are  already  working  on  plans  to
 please  contact  the  Clerk  or  a  member  of  the  Parish  Council  by  the  end  of   celebrate this great event both worldwise
 January.                                 and in Bere Regis in particular but as it is

 Amanda Crocker, Clerk to Bere Regis Parish Council   in the planning stage at the moment just
                                          watch  this  space!  We  understand  that
                                          the  Queen  as  a very  sweet tooth  and  a
                                          special dessert is required for her big day
                                          on the 4th June. Anyone can submit their
                                          own special dessert recipe suitable for a
                                          Queen so come on Bere Regis WI let it be
                                          us! (Just a hint - she likes chocolate!)
                                          As a group we did celebrate the coming
                                          of  Christmas  and  the  New  Year  with  a
       very good lunch at The Thimble Public House in Puddletown - keeping covid rules
       -  and  we  can  thoroughly  recommend  this  venue.  As  a  group  we  do  like  to
       support our local eating houses as much as possible as they have all had a very
       hard 2021 and we are already arranging an outing to one of them on the 27th
       January - Sue Stone is organising this so please give her a ring on 01929 472083
       and come and join us.
       At  the  time of writing this copy our Meeting on the 19th January has not  taken
       place  but  we  are  hoping  for  an informative  talk  on  how  to  avoid  losing  all  our
       hard earned money by being scammed!

          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
             their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the

              effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                                advertising revenue!!

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