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February 2022                        February 2022
  BERE REGIS SCOUT GROUP   their  welfare  and  wellbeing  by  having  regular  contact  with  them  particularly
       following discharge from hospital.
 Happy  New  Scouting  Year!  Despite  all  the  Covid   As  well  as  relatives,  friends  and  neighbours  can  also  play  a  valued  role  in
 restrictions, all of our four sections; Beavers age 6 -  supporting people in the local community. There are many examples of how you
 8; Cubs  age 8- 10½;  Scouts  10½-  14;  Explorers  14-   and our partners have worked together to meet the challenges. One example I
 18, have started the New Year refreshed after the   wanted to share was how we worked collaboratively over the holiday season with
 Christmas  break.  In  these  difficult  and  uncertain   the  Volunteer  Centre  Dorset  where  more  than  250  people  signed  up  to  be  on
 times  for  our  young  members  we  hope  to  bring   standby to assist in emergency situations.
 some  degree  of  stability,  continuity,  normality  and  fun  through  our  weekly
 evening meetings and occasional weekend activities   Volunteers  provided welfare  checks  to vulnerable  people  which  prevented the
       need for more complex assistance from us and our health colleagues. Some of
 Planning meetings have been held in each section, involving the youngsters, to   the  help  we  were  able  to  give  included  providing  a  one-off  food  supply  to  a
 work out activities for the coming term and beyond. Undaunted by Covid, some   family, assisting a vulnerable resident with providing food, drink and medication
 really exciting activities are planned.   prompts  which  bridged  the  gap  until  a  more  formal  solution  could  be  put  in
       place and assisting a resident to leave hospital and providing meals.

 Cub Pack   These  welfare  checks  meant  that  some  of  the  pressure  was  relieved  and
       enabled  us  to  focus  on  our  residents  with  more  critical  needs.  Continuing
 The  Cubs  finished  off  last  term  with  a  fantastic  talent  show.  Magic  tricks,  table   the development of this partnership is being explored to ensure we continue to
 tennis skills, jokes, singing and dancing were just some of the talents on show. We   build upon the learning, and we deliver this support during the year.
 sold tickets to friends and family to raise money for a worthy cause chosen by the
 Cubs. This talent show earned the Cubs their Entertainment Badge to go with the   Cllr  Peter  Wharf,  Dorset  Council’s  portfolio  holder  for  Adult  Social  Care  and
 Scientist  and  Swimmer  Badges  that  most  achieved  last  term.  This  term  we  are   Health, said: “The families and friends of residents, who unfortunately have to go
 focusing  on  the  World  Badge  which  will  mean  learning  about  different  cultures   into  hospital  are  going  to  be  so  important  this  winter.  “Residents  who  are
 around  the  world.  We  are  going  to  celebrate  Chinese  New  Year  with  some   medically well enough to be discharged from hospital may need some additional
 cooking  and  the  Indian  Festival  of  Colour  with  some  chalk  drawing.  We  are  all   help when they return home. “By being the someone who is there to make sure
 very excited looking forward to our sleepover in the church in the half term.    they  have  provisions,  a  hot  meal,  something  to  drink,  and  are  taking  any
       prescribed  medication,  will  not  only  help  their  loved  one  get  well  in  their  own

       environment, but will help another Dorset resident who needs a hospital bed. “This
 Scout Troop   will also mean precious care resources are being used by those who are most in
 The Scout section remains a brilliant weekly get together for young people from
 where they can get out of school/home-ed shackles for a couple of hours and do
 different stuff.                                Road salting

 The program this winter has been very varied with caving, cooking, geocaching,   On  a  typical  cold  night,  we  will
 wide games, Remembrance events, team building, Christmas fun, and, the one   salt the Main Precautionary Priority
 where  the  Scout  Leader  usually  shows  much  more  enthusiasm  than  the  Scouts,   Salting  Network  consisting  of
 map  reading,  yay!    To  keep  safe  much  of  the  programme  has  been  outdoors   1100km  of  roads  (approx.  28%  of
 even in the "dark term".                        our  road  network).  If  we  are
                                                 looking at a prolonged cold snap
 Patrol  Leaders  (the  most  experienced  Scouts)  held  a  Patrol  Leader  Council  to   or period of snow, we will also salt
 help plan the start of 2022. They came up with some brilliant ideas which we will   the  Community  Routes  Network  –
 deliver  up  to  Easter.  February  will  see  the  return  of  our  famous  "24  hour  flash   approx.  170km.  Our  webpage
 camps" - starting with  Frostbite Camp, brrrr!
                                                 shows  when  routes  were  last
                                                 salted and when the next runs are

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