Page 19 - feb-mag-2022
P. 19

February 2022                                                                       February 2022

       Commonwealth Games due to take place in Birmingham later on in the Summer.
       This would involve some street closures and the like.

       South Walks House - NHS leasing it from Dorset Council
       This proposal will bring hundreds of non-seasonal, high quality jobs into Dorchester,
       an  enormous  boost  to  the  town  and  Dorset  as  a  whole. It  generates  a  reliable
       income for Dorset Council over decades which will be spent on Adult Social Care
       and  Children's  Services, both under  acute  pressure following Covid.  We will  get
       about the same amount of money from renting over the period as we would from
       selling the building but at the end of the period, we will still own the building if we
       rent it.
       It  is  our  understanding  that  the  NHS  staff  considered  for  transfer  will  be  moved
       from  other  buildings  to  free  up  space  for  clinical  use  and  to  save
       accommodation  costs.  This  deal  therefore  delivers  money  and  space  for  more
       treatment provision.

       Praise for our Planners
       Two Dorset Council planners have been recognised at the Royal Town Planning
       Institute  (RTPI)  South  West  Awards  for  Planning  Excellence  2021.  The  awards
       celebrate projects and people who have helped create exceptional places and
       improved  the  lives  of  those  who  live  and  work  there.  They  also  highlight  how
       planning  and  planners  work  to  create  a  safe,  healthy,  and  sustainable  future.
       One  of  the  recipients  is  an  ex-Purbeck  District  Council  employee.  Well  done
       Frances Summers.

                                                Relatives play a valued
                                                role in helping people
                                                leave hospital
                                                As health and social care services
                                                continue  to  be  stretched  due  to
                                                the ongoing pandemic, the role of
                                                relatives  in  supporting  patients  is
                                                very  highly  valued.  This  could
                                                include  providing  some  personal
                                                care  for  their  relatives  in  their
                                                home,  including  looking  after
                                                them during the initial period after
       they  have  left  hospital.  This  could  mean  including  support  with  shopping,
       administering  medication,  changing  dressings,  meal  preparation,  checking  on

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