Page 25 - feb-mag-2022
P. 25

February 2022                                                                       February 2022
       getting muddy or with wheelchairs and pushchairs getting stuck in puddles. It will
       take  a while  to completely  bed in,  but it is  hoped that  everyone  will get  many   OVER THE HILL
       years of enjoyment out of it.

                                                                                            As  I  sit  looking  out  of  the  window,  it  is  the  sixth  of  January  and  looking  at  the
       Queen’s Platinum Jubilee                                                             colour of the grass, it stage of growth and its obvious need of mowing, you could
       This  is  going  to  be  a  major  event  for  the  whole  country  and  Bere  Regis  will  be   easily believe it was not mid summer. We have just experienced two mornings of
       marking the celebrations with the following events:                                  slight frosts but this is not sufficient to prevent the polyanthus from showing their
                                                                                            flowers in abundance, followed by the winter pansies and even the hydrangeas
            Thursday  2   June  -  Lighting  the  beacon  as  part  of  the  national  beacon   have opened some of their buds to present minimal amounts of leaf material far
             lighting ceremony                                                              too early for its own good.
            Friday 3  June – Annual duck race                                              However  saying  this  may  be  slightly  overestimating  the  effects  of  the  climate
                                                                                            change we are experiencing currently. What is happening and where will it end?
            Saturday 4  June – Street party with live music                                As we drive through the countryside, we see green buds on hedgerow trees and
            Sunday 5  June – Church service in the morning and an afternoon picnic         bushes,  far  too  advanced  for  the  time  of  the  year.  Also  the  bird  population
             at the Sports Club with an old-fashioned sports day for all the family         generally is not taking advantage of all the foodstuffs that they normally would at
                                                                                            this time of year, that we provide in the feeders in the garden. Obviously there is a
       Preparations are still in the very early stages, but everything will be advertised and   natural  supply  out  there  in  some  form  or  other.  Perhaps  this  food  is  in  the  lush,
       residents kept fully informed as time goes along. Our sincere thanks are extended    green, soft vegetative growth in our gardens, hedgerows and in the countryside
       to Judy Newton who has taken on the task of co-ordinating the weekend.               generally and in the form of the insects that would normally be dormant but may
                                                                                            be actively producing offspring now at this time of the year, on this vegetation,
                                                                                            which are thus proffered.
                                                                                            We are constantly being told about the rewilding projects that are taking place in
                                                                                            the countryside. We have here in Bere Regis, a site where the Dorset Wildlife Trust
                                                                                            have  purchased  what  was  Court  Green  Farm  and  have  renamed  it  Wild
                                                                                            Woodbury  and  intend  to  create  a  wildlife
                                                                                            haven for what have in the past been species
                                                                                            of  “wild  plants  and  animals”  that  have  been
                                                                                            true natives of Dorset, in their natural habitats..
                                                                                            With  climate  change  coming  upon  us,  what
                                                                                            must we expect next?
                                                                                            Rewilding and climate change are of subjects
       Extracts from news reports of the 1953 coronation                                    where  there  is  so  much  to  learn  about  our
       celebrations  -  thanks to Alison Bennett                                            natural world and to find out more about this I
                                                                                            can recommend the following five books.:-

                                                                                                The  Hidden  Life  of    Trees  by  Peter
       North Street Gate                                                                         Wohlleben 2016
       The area either side of the gate is looking very neglected, and complaints have          Wilding by Isabella Tree  2018
       been received about motorcycles using the pedestrian access as a short cut to
       the  roundabout.  The  Parish  Council  will  be  contacting  Highways  with  a  view  to      Restoring the Wild by Roy Dennis 2021
       replacing  the  gate  and  preventing  motorbikes  from  using  North  Street.  At  the   Otter  Country    by  Miriam  Darlington
       same time, the signage will upgraded. Cllr Bates has kindly offered the services of      2112
       the Wildlife Group to clear back the vegetation.

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