Page 18 - feb-mag-2022
P. 18

February 2022                        February 2022

 Kingsbere Explorer Unit   Psychology  helpline.  To  book  a  conversation  with  one  of  our  SEND  Family
       Workers complete our Dorset Education Advice Line online form or call Freephone
 Kingsbere  Explorers  had  a  busy  autumn  term  full  of  exciting  outdoor  activities.   0800 14 040 41. Lines are open 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, during term time
 They have been orienteering at Upton House and around the walls in Wareham,   and a SEND Family Worker will email you with your appointment time where you
 making guys for the Scout Bonfire night, solving teamwork problems, skibobbing   can talk through your concerns and issues and about how to support your child.
 and ringoing at Matchams alpine centre and getting festive with Christmas crafts
 and  party  nights.  The  New  Year  programme  will  include  geocaching,  map
 reading and campcraft, the Alternative Highland   Meeting with our MPs
 Games  (on  Burn’s  Night),  some  Chinese  New  Year  cooking,  climbing  at  the   At  our  regular  monthly  meeting  with  MPs  on  the  7th  January  the  Leader  and
 Project in Poole, and making wood-fired pizza in the woods!   Deputy Leader lobbied MPs for greater support and clarity to support the  Adult
       Social care sector which is facing unprecedented demand and rising costs. We
 Some  of  the  Unit  members  attended  a  District  Explorer  Camp  at  the  end  of
 October at Bowling Green Wood campsite in Lulworth. Halloween camp involved   also made them aware of the following consultations.
 all sorts of spooky fun and activities and included a hike to the coast.       Purbeck  Local  Plan  –  further  proposed  main  modifications  open  until  24
 Ben, who joined our Explorers back in May was awarded a Chief Scout’s Unsung
 Heroes  Award  by  Bear  Grylls  on  8th  October  in  Birmingham.  Ben  built  and      Dorset draft air quality action plan open until 23  January
 camped  out  every  night  in  an  Anderson  shelter  in  his  garden  during  the  first
 lockdown, then, after seeing the dramatic rescue scenes from Durdle Door on the      School admissions arrangements open until 23  January
 news, decided to raise money (now over £5000 including gift aid) whilst camping      How we develop and deliver our library service in the future open until 7
 out for Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. An amazing achievement!
 Many of our Explorers are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.      Eight public spaces protection orders open until 13  January
 We are planning a DofE training camp at the end of January and will be running
 Bronze and Silver expeditions at the end of April. We are also able to offer Gold      Annual residents survey open until 14  January
 expeditions for those who are participating at this level.
 The  Borneo  Expedition  will now  take  place  in  the  summer  of  2023 in  order  that   Queens Baton Relay
 new  participants  can  be  fully  prepared  and  the  fundraising  can  be  achieved.
 The expedition team will be launching the new plans this month.   We are positively considering a request to facilitate the Queens baton relay within
       Dorset.  The  South  West  region  (Isles  of  Scilly  –  Gloucestershire  and  points  in
 If  you’re  aged  between  14-18  years  old  and  you  would  like  to  have  fun,  meet   between) has been allocated two days – provisionally   4th and 5th July - and we
 new  friends,  experience  new  indoor  and  outdoor  activities,  learn  skills  for  life,   have   been   asked   for
 discover  new  places,  cultures  and  communities,  our  Explorer  Scouts  normally   proposals  and  suggestions.
 meet on a Tuesday evening at 7pm (at the Scout Hut or at an activity location).      If  we  were  to  participate,
 Several  of  our  Leader  team  are  trained  DofE  Supervisors  and  Assessors  to  Gold   we might benefit from:
 Award level so you can participate in the DofE scheme and the Queen’s Scout
 award alongside our regular programme. For more details and information      Photo   opportunities
                                                      at iconic Dorset sites
 Please email Helen on or Julien on
                                                          A school visit

 Group News                                               A    baton    relay
                                                      through a Dorset town
 Our on-going problem, however, is with adult help. As you can imagine, looking
 after 80 energetic and enthusiastic youngsters requires a lot of adult supervision      A community event
 and we are always on the look-out for more volunteers- either in the ‘uniformed   T h i s    p r e c e d e s    t h e

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