Page 15 - feb-mag-2022
P. 15

February 2022                                                                       February 2022
       DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT                                                  BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE

       Editor’s note

       I have received the occasional comment
       about the length of the monthly Dorset                                               ARTSREACH
       Council report.
       It is important to let readers know that our                                         Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  presents  an  Artsreach  Theatre
       councilors cover West Purbeck, not just our                                          production of:
       own parish.  It is not really possible for them                                      The Notnow Collective: Pepper and Honey
       to produce separate articles for each local
       area, and regretfully, I simply don’t have the                                       Date: Saturday 5  March at 7.30 p.m.
       time to edit the articles to make them more
       relevant to just Bere Regis and Affpuddle.                                           Venue: Briantspuddle Village Hall.
                                                                                            Ticket price: Adult £10 Child £6 Family £25
       Dorset Council’s budget proposals for next financial year                            Box Office: For Tickets call Deborah on 07788100273
       Dorset  Council’s  budget  proposals  for  next  financial  year,  2022-23,  prioritise  the   Tickets also available online at
       continued  delivery  of  vital  frontline  services  for  residents.  The  budget  proposals
       include more money for:                                                              Refreshments: Bar will be available with Beers, wine, soft drinks & Teas & coffee

            adult social care – a 10% increase (equating to £13 million, taking the total                                    There  are  two  types  of  people.  The  ones
             budget  to £141 million)  to fund the  rising need for  social care in  the local                                who move away.  And the ones who stay
             population and rising costs                                                                                      and wait...
            children’s services – a 4% increase (equating to £2.7 million, taking the total                                  Enjoyed  the  Great  British  Bake  Off?  Then
             budget  to  £74.5  million)  to  fund improvements  to  support  children in  care                               you’ll  love  this  show!  Notnow  Collective
             and children with special educational needs and disabilities                                                     tackle your senses and your imagination in
                                                                                                                              Pepper and Honey, a new play about two
            climate  and  ecological  emergency  response  –  £10M  capital  investment                                      women questioning the meaning of home.
             over the next 5 years to help fund the delivery of the council’s action plan                                     This  heart-warming  and  poignant  play
            housing – an  extra £0.75 million to support the  development  of more  new                                      intertwines live baking with a story of what
             homes  with  our  Registered  Providers  and  the  supply  of  better  value                                     it  is  like  to  settle  in  a  different  country,
             temporary accommodation from the private rented sector.                                                          leaving  and  returning  and  making  and
                                                                                                                              breaking family traditions.
       This  year’s  budget  setting  exercise  takes  place  against  a  continuing  national
       background of extreme pressures for councils resulting from the COVID pandemic                                         Timed  to  perfection  to  deliver  a  perfect
       alongside  growing  demand  and  price  pressures.  Social  care  services  represent                                  Croatian pepper biscuit, baked live in front
       59%  of  Dorset  Council’s  total  net  spending.  The  budget  proposals  include  a  3%                              of and with the help of the audience.  “A
       increase in council tax: 1.998% increase in general council tax and 0.996% increase                                    warm and gentle show” The Stage
       for the social care precept. For a band D property, this equates to £1.02 extra a

       Cllr  Gary  Suttle,  Portfolio  Holder  for  Finance,  Commercial  and  Capital  Strategy,
       said:                                                                                Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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