Page 11 - feb-mag-2022
P. 11

February 2022                                                                       February 2022

       hereafter and Jesus Christ and His divinity.  He then and there decided to study
       until he had first hand convictions of his own.  He went to the Bible as his source
       book.  He would trust his lawyer-training in logic to lead him to proper conclusions,
       and he would enliven what he thought would be a somewhat  dreary study by
       embodying in a story of the Christ such material as he might find.
       But he was working with the supernatural factors of which he did not dream.  No
       one can read the Bible with an open mind, desiring to know the truth in regard to
       Jesus  Christ,  without  becoming  convinced  of  His  divinity  –  that  He  was  indeed
       God’s Son.
       As Lew studied the historic background of the condition of the world at the very
       time  of  his  story,  the  evils  of  society,  and  the  need  of  men  for  a  divine  Saviour
       seemed  an  argument  in  favour  of  accepting  the  Saviour  who  had  come.  His
       purpose in writing the story of the years between the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem,
       and His death at Calvary, was to make his readers see the argument too.
       If you have seen the epic film ‘Ben Hur’, you will perhaps remember that exciting
       chariot race.
       You might be surprised to find that getting to know Jesus is just as exciting, and far
       more satisfying!
       “Jesus said,  ‘I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full’.” John

       Just a Smile
       Taylor Street in Batley, West Yorkshire has disappeared!  Residents woke up to find
       their Victorian cobblestones, (worth £10,000) had been stolen.  The crafty thieves
       had pretended to be working on the road, while secretly they were preparing to
       steal it!

       An invitation that would be hard to resist:  ‘Anglian Water is pleased to announce
       a Family Fun Day on 21  July at Chelmsford sewage treatment works’

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