Page 12 - mag-feb-2018
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February 2018                                                                       February 2018
                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE & TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH
        Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting
        preachers.                                                                         Parish Litter Pick 3  and 4  March 2018
        Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                          It  has  been  noted  that  increased  amounts  of  litter  are  evident  throughout  the
                                                                                           Parish.  Based on these reports the Parish Council has decided to facilitate a Litter
        Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group                       Pick over the weekend of 3  and 4  March 2018.
        Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer                                                                                Equipment  including  bags,  gripers
                                                                                                                                  and gloves will be available from the
        This  month  a  team  from  the  Chapel  will  again  be  involved  with  Truth  4  Youth                                 Village  Hall  on  both  Saturday  and
        conference for teenagers and young adults. Truth 4 Youth, which runs from 9  to                                           Sunday  from  9.30am  to  12.30pm.
        12  of February, brings the truth of God’s Word to young people, who come from                                            Volunteers  can  select  their  own
        all over the country to meet at Heatree Activity Centre in Devon for four days of                                         route, be it long or short, any help is
        Bible teaching, many different outdoor activities and good food! The team from                                            most  gratefully  received,  please  just
        the Chapel will welcome over 130 guests to Heatree, and also the three speakers.                                          turn up on a day and time that suits
        God  has  greatly  blessed  these  teaching  conferences  over  the  years  and  our                                      you.
        prayers are that He will do the same this time, equipping and encouraging young
        people in their Christian faith.                                                                                          Unfortunately,  this  spring  clean  now
                                                                                                                                  seems  to  be  needed  annually.    In
        Jay Seegert from USA will also be speaking here at the Chapel on Tuesday 13                                               recent years very significant amounts
        February  at  7.30pm.  Jay  has  a  background  in  physics  and  engineering                                             of  rubbish  has  been  retrieved,
        technology  and  speaks  about  the  scientific  evidence  for  the  inspiration  of  the   making this a very worthwhile project.
        Bible and the authority of the Scriptures. There will be a question and answer time
        at this meeting and everyone is welcome.                                           For   more   information   contact   Sue   Jones   07971   500333   or   email
        An  international  charity  that  works  with  children  and  young  people  is  Scripture

        Union, whose aim is to use the Bible to inspire everyone to know the difference
        that Jesus can make to the challenges and adventures of life.  This year is its 150    The Dorchester Marathon 2018
        anniversary, and I expect that some of you saw the Songs of Praise programme
        on  TV  which  celebrated  this  event.    There  was  a  special  service  from  a  parish   Dorchester  Casterbridge  Rotary  in  Association  with  White  Star  Running  are
        church in Islington,  London,  which  was  attended  by  Her  Majesty  the  Queen  as   organising  The  Dorchester  Marathon  on  Bank  Holiday  Sunday,  27th  May  2018.
        guest of honour.  It was a lively service with a mix of old and new hymns, some    Their  long-term  aim  is  to  make  the  event  a  permanent  feature  of  the  running
        drama,  and  a  children's’  choir.    It  was  a  joy  to  watch  the  children  singing  so   worlds calendar.  The event course will be following exactly the same route as in
        enthusiastically  and  giving  an  excellent  performance  of  their  song,  the  whole   2017.  The  race  will  start  and  finish  at  Cokers  Frome  Farm  Dorchester  and  take
        service a fitting celebration of this special anniversary.  It was only a few days later   place in the Frome Valley East of Dorchester.
        that I came  across  this item,  written  some  while  ago  by  a  Ministries Liaison  Co-
        ordinator for Scripture Union, Heather Blakeley.
                                                                                           Dorset Highways

                                                                                           At  its  January  meeting  the  Parish  Council  welcomed  Dorset  Highways  Officers
        My Amazing Moment                                                                  Helen Jackson and Paul Eastwood to discuss safety improvements to highways in
        “I used to live in the countryside of Leicestershire and one stormy evening when   the Parish.  Concerns were discussed including the safety of the Waddock Cross
        returning home from my office in Nottingham a strange event took place.  It was
                                                                                            Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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