Page 11 - mag-feb-2018
P. 11

February 2018                        February 2018

 Junction, the traffic priorities for Hurst Bridge and the need for road resurfacing at      Intercessions   Chalice
 Turnerspuddle.  A number of options were suggested and a further site visit will be   4 Feb   Celebrant   E Moriarty
 arranged at Waddock Cross.   11 Feb   A Smith   J Haigh
       14 Feb     Celebrant        S Sanderson

       18 Feb     Celebrant        R Killer
 Briantspuddle Crossroads Highway Fingerpost   25 Feb   A Grindrod   S Sanderson
 A grant application has been submitted to Viridor to contribute to the restoration   4 Mar   Celebrant   F Masheder
 of the Fingerpost at Briantspuddle Crossroads.  The Parish Council is due to hear if
 the application has been successful at the end of January.    Flowers and Cleaning Rota

       Date:      Flowers:            Cleaning:
 Precept and Reserves
       3 Feb.     Susan Woods         Susan Woods
 The  council increased  the precept  this  year  by  3.70%,  a  total  of  £350  across  all   10 Feb.   Christine Ralls   Christine Ralls
 households  in  the  Parish.  In  reviewing  the  budget  for  2018/19  councillors   14 Feb.   Wednesday morning  Special clean
 considered all expenditure categories together with capital expenditure projects   17 Feb.   Lent
       24 Feb.    Lent                Andrea Smith
    The fingerpost project   3 March   Lent   Doreen Sanderson
    The War Memorial Cleaning
       A note for the diary!
    The Telephone Kiosks
       On 14 April, in St Laurence’s there will be an organ recital
    The relocation of the Briantspuddle noticeboard
       by Charles Harrison,  who is organist, Master of Choristers and Director of
 Councillors  also  considered  the  potential  cost  of  an  election,  should  one  be
 triggered.  This cost is estimated to be £3000.    Music at Chichester Cathedral. The recital will start at 7.30 and during the
       interval wine and nibbles will be served.

       Tickets:  £12.00  from  Steve  Sanderson,  01305  848812  or  Elizabeth  Whatley  01305
 Councillor Contact Details
 Nick Gore (Chair)     01305 848130
 Sue Jones (Vice-Chair)   01929 471375
 Charles Barter      01929 463663
 Trevor Poole      07966 499252
 Sarah Lowman      07796 221568
 Jonathan Haigh      01929 471768   There will not be a Service this month at the Chapel.
 Mike Menzies      01929 471263     We will be holding a retreat afternoon on Saturday 17
       February, from 2.00pm – 5.00pm.
 Lizzie Guinn      01305 848916   lizzieguinn@hotmail,com
 Lindsay Hole      07887 782005   Everyone is welcome. The subject will be Lent.
 (parish clerk)
        For more information contact the stewards: Karen Smith
       (01929 471339), Caroline Harrison (01929 471378).

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