Page 8 - mag-feb-2018
P. 8

February 2018                                                                       February 2018
                                                                                   so entrants can decide which classes to enter and
                                                                                            what they need to plant and nurture before the growing season commences.
        JUNIOR                    “Why don’t you come and join us at the
        CHURCH                     Family Service on the second Sunday                      Similar  information  will  also  be  available  from  other  sources  once  leaflets  have
                                                                                            been printed.
        NEWS                           of every month at 11.00 am”                          Last year Margaret Clegg and Sandie Harrison retired as the show organisers and
                                                                                            two or more volunteers are required urgently to help with, and next year onwards
                                                                                            be  responsible  for,  the  show  planning  and  organising  work,  which  is  temporarily
       On the second Sunday in January the Junior Church celebrated Jesus’ life as a        being  carried  out  by  Selwyn  and  Jean  McGrorty  who  have  a  wealth  of
       child,  under  the  title  of  “After  the  Christmas  Story”.  We  only  know  of  three   experience and guidance to pass on to new organisers of the horticultural show.
       occasions  in  his  early  life.  These  are  Epiphany,  Candlemas,  and  a  family   The  Horticultural  Show  is  sponsored  by  the  Bladen  Social  Club,  however  entry  is
       celebration at the temple when he was twelve (becoming an adult in the Jewish        open  to  all  residents  whether  they  are  a  member  of  the  social  club  or  not.
       law). Epiphany is the time that we remember the visit of the Wise Men (we usually    Likewise the organisers of the show do not need to be members of the social club.
       think of this at Christmas, but it could have been up to a few years after his birth).   If you are willing to become one of the new organisers of this quintessential village
       Candlemas is when the Christian Church remembers the Jewish rite when Jesus          event please contact Peter Talbot on 01929 472483.
       was presented at the temple. At this time the baby of 40 days old was recognised
       as the “Light of the World” by an old man who had devoted his life to God. From
       it comes a famous quotation called the “Nunc Dimittis” which is used in a service
       called  Evening  Prayers:  “Mine  eyes  have  seen  thy  salvation….”.  The  third
       occasion,  quoted  in  the  bible,  was  when  Jesus  was  taken  to  celebrate  the
       Passover  at  the  temple  when  he  was  twelve  and  in  that  culture  becoming  an

       Various objects were hidden around the school hall and reception area for the
       children to find. When all these were retrieved there was a discussion about what                         ADVERTISING RATES
       they represented. Afterwards the children were offered various activities linked to                          for the year 2018
       the stories, the most popular being building a representation of the Jewish temple
       in Lego.                                                                                             (Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)
                                                                                                 Rates for charitable, community or non-profit organisations are charged at 50% of above.
       A short service followed, sandwiched between two puppet songs, performed by
       the youngsters. There were traditional hymns and prayers as well as a lively action   Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years.  Adverts inserted for part
       song and a discussion of what the children had been doing in the hour before,         years are charged at a pro-rata rate of the full year cost.  Full year advertisers are
       with the various short readings, also done by the children.
                                                                                                           automatically included on both village websites.
       Next  month  our  service is just  before  Lent,  so  we  will  be  looking  at  not  just  the
                                                                                            Full page, full year    £247     Full page, one month       £35.00
       practise  of  giving  things up  for  Lent,  but  the  more  positive,  taking  things  on  for
       Lent.  What  sort  of  resolutions  could  we  make?    The  service  will  be  just  before   Half page, full year   £150   Half page, one month   £20.00
       Pancake  Tuesday,  so  I’m  sure  that  some  pancakes  might  feature  in  the  hour
       before, and maybe even a pancake race, as we are in the school hall, rather          Third page, full year   £113     Third page, one month      £15.00
       than in church. Everyone is welcome. The service will be on the first Sunday of the
                                                                                            Quarter page, full year   £93    Quarter page, one month    £12.00
       school half term break. Almost certainly there will also be a Puppet Praise on the
       last weekend of the half term. Do look out for adverts about Puppet Praise.          Small-ads, full year    £67      Small-ads, one month       £10.00

                                                                                                  For all advertising enquiries, contact the Editor, details on inside back cover.

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