Page 25 - BR December 2023
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December 2023                       December 2023

 POP IN PLACE NEWS                            FUNERAL TRIBUTES

 Christmas at the Pop In Place
                         vegetation  around  the  church  and,  most  notably,  putting
 As we head towards Christmas, now more than perhaps   his tree surgeon skills to use. The enormous willow trees that
 ever,  the  words  Peace  on  Earth  echo  a  very  urgent   line  the  mill  race  and  the  peace  garden  grow  at  an
 message. It is hard to arrange celebrations while so many   extraordinary  rate  and  by  the  time  the  great  covid
 suffer  :    in  wars  where  the  innocent  are  killed,  when   pandemic  struck  us  they  had  achieved  a  very  great  size
 people can’t feed their families and when many more people are now forced to   that was a threat not only to occupants of the churchyard
 sleep on the street.    but also to road users, not least the school buses that pass daily beneath the

    We  have  to  try  though;  we  have  to   trees. Something that the council had written to remind us of. So, with no other
 bring joy to those around us, do our bit   local tree surgeons available or willing to take on the task at the time Mike set
 to make people feel better, so we will   to work  fearlessly,  with  the  council harassing  him  on  one  side  to take  action
 have our Community Christmas  Party   and on the other the impending expressions of horror and criticism that would
 on  Friday  8   December  2pm  invites   follow  from  locals  at  the  stark  sight  of  a  row  of  willow  trees  after  pollarding.
 should  now  be  out.  Our  thanks  to   Three years later those trees, fully recovered, are a tribute to Mike’s efforts and
 Jagtar  of  Nisa  for  his  help  with  the   also incidentally saved the church a fortune.
 funding  of  this  and  on  Friday  22    Mike  was never  a man  to be intimidated  by controversy  and it is  with  this in
 December  we  will  have  Carols  and   mind that I move with some hesitancy to the subject of the church lavatory.
 Mince  Pies  10am  -noon  at  the  final   Long before anyone else dared to raise the subject Mike campaigned for the
 café of this year.   installation of a loo in the church or churchyard. He argued that having held
 Community Café will reopen in   on for the better part of 800 years it was time that the parishioners of Affpuddle
 Friday 5  January   were given some relief. Since the proposal was seriously taken up the storm of
         controversy  and  argument,  with  intermittent  lulls,  has  been  endless,  with

         favoured  or  disfavoured  locations  flitting  about  from  one  corner  of  the
 Pop In Place Community Café at Bere Regis Village Hall   churchyard to the other and then back again.
 Every Friday morning from 10 am until 12 noon we run a Community Café at the   Despite all of this Mike, as the new churchwarden, decided to re-energise the
 Village Hall North Street.   project  and,  putting  his  shoulder  to  the  wheel,  once  more  took  on  the
         challenge. It is very much thanks to Mike’s tireless energy and enthusiasm that,
 We offer a warm welcome, to everyone who walks through the door.
         after  seemingly  glacial  progress,  it  is  now  moving  forwards  at  last.  Like  the
 We  also  welcome  new  volunteers  to  help  on  our  team  serving  the  drinks  and   great engineer Brunel, Mike was a man of vision and had dreams of one day
 helping at events.  Also and very importantly  to chat  to the people who attend   drawing power from the River Piddle by means of a turbine. Sadly, that dream
 the café’s.   was not to be realised in Mike’s lifetime but, as they say, ‘never say never’.
 If you want to make a difference in your community? then call the Team Leader   Rather than limiting himself to the mundane secular responsibilities associated
 Alison Bennett 01929 472023 for more details.   with  the  day-to-day  life  of  the  churchwarden  Mike  was  eager  to
         communicate,  express  and  discuss  his  deeply  held  Christian  faith.  Therefore,

         always a man of imagination and innovation, Mike started to run a new series
 Pop In Place Food Crisis Support    of  monthly  services  which  he  called  ‘Morning  Praise.  These  gave  a  different
         approach to our services  and enabled individuals to discuss matters of faith
 The Pop In Place have a Food Crisis Project, if you are struggling and you need   and worship. Mike also introduced monthly articles in the parish magazine in
 food  please  get  in  touch  we    have  gained  funding  to  provide    crisis  packs  for   which he discussed and raised issues of our faith.
 people in the Parish in a difficult situation.
         The  list  of  Mike’s  practical  contributions  to  the  parish  church  of  St  Laurence

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