Page 21 - BR December 2023
P. 21

December 2023                       December 2023

 If You Should Think the Worst of Me          FUNERAL TRIBUTES

 When you look at what is, and what’s not,
 With the information you have got,      As  well  as  Great  Wood,  Mike  and  Hilda  were  great
 There is no black and white.   company on many a ski holiday, and if I may, I’ll sneak in a
 With regard to wrong and right.   ski  story.  Mike  was  a  fearless  and  enthusiastic  skier  and  a
 In the half light of the moment,      great  contributor  to  the  evening’s  tales  of  the  day’s  thrills
                         and  spills.  One  such  time  he  described  a  jump  that  went
 There are only shades of grey   wrong,  ending  with  him  landing  head  first  in  the  snow.  He
 But you’ll only see what you want to see,   said  “I  picked  myself  up  and  checked  my  arms  and  legs  were  ok,  but  I
 If you should think the worst of me.   couldn’t see anything, so I immediately thought ‘Ah, Double Detached retina’.
         Then I realised it was just that my goggles were full of snow”.
 When things get battered and bruised,
 The truth can often seem confused,      Back to Greatwood but continuing on the thrills and spills theme, I remember
 And be open to interpretation.   an after-camp meal once which ended in an impromptu limerick competition.
         One of these limericks was: When it comes to Menzies, Mike - you will find that
 There needs to be scope for negotiation.   there’s nothing  quite like – the noise that he makes – when he suddenly brakes
 For those who struggle to cope,      – and goes over the front of his bike.
 There needs to be a way,   Here are more stories from a few Great Wood folk…
 But you’ll only see what you want to see,
 If you should think the worst of me.   When  Mike  was  a  camper  at  “B  Camp”,  they  used  to  go  to  Butlin’s  at
         Minehead for a day out. One year, c.1962, he won a china pig at the shooting
 Take a step back and count one to ten.   gallery.  He  still  used  it,  until  recently,  to  collect  foreign  coins  when  he  came
 The best laid schemes of mice and men,      back  from  abroad.  He  liked  to  think  this  was  what  prompted  his  nick  name
 Don’t always go according to plan.   “Piggy” at Great Wood, but others say it was actually more to do with his large
 Over the course of your mortal span.      appetite.
 Take a moment to fill your lungs,   On one occasion a heavily perspiring figure in a suit, carrying a large ruc-sac,
 Then raise your voice to say,   arrived in the kitchen at camp.  On asking if we could help, Mike introduced
 That you’ll only see what you want to see,   himself as  Piggy  and stated  that he  had come  from Peaslake. In those  days
         hitch  hiking was  very  common  and  so it  was initially assumed  that  Mike  had
 If you should think the worst of me.    hitched all the way.  It was a while before he confessed to having come by
         National Express and only hitchhiked from the coach station.
 Paul J Openshaw 2023
         In the early 1970s, Mike arrived at camp with one of the first ever “Great Wood
         Camp” T shirts. Mike’s had letters ironed on which lasted many years until one
         of  the  letters  wore  off.  The  T  shirt  still  exists  but  now  just  reads  “Great  Woo
         Camp”. Given the number of couples who first met at Great Wood, this seems
         rather appropriate.

         The dates of the Backwoodsman camp are always close to the Perseid meteor
         shower.  The  lack  of  artificial  light  in  Quantock  Combe  also  makes  it  a  good
         viewing point. So it was that the team were talking about the meteors when
         one of the cooks, Hilda Carter, confessed that she had never seen a shooting
         star. Naturally Mike offered to guide her up the combe after the campers had
         lights  out.  Because  it  was  dark  he  held  her  hand.  They  stopped  a  short

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