Page 28 - BR December 2023
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December 2023                                                                       December 2023

       BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                                 VILLAGE HALL
                                                                                            Thanks  You  to  everyone  who  supported  the  Old  Bere
                                                                                            Regis  Photograph Exhibition.
       Autumn is now here. The Trees are sheading their leaves ,
       the Autum colours blend into the everyday.                                           The  Hall  raised  £577.00  on  the  door  takings  for  the
                                                                                            exhibition.  With the Pop Inn Place taking £150.00 on the
       Advent is near and as we go through Advent we (before                                refreshments. The Brilliant Book “Bere Regis those bygone
       we know  it ) have arrived at the Stable to welcome the                              days” by Mark Bennett is still available please telephone   VILLAGE
       Christ Child .  We see Mary & Joseph with their Son  , our                           01929 472023 to purchase a copy at £10.                   HALL
       Lord and Saviour. We look on in amazement as the Shepherds come and see for
       themselves . They too where  amazed and welcomed Jesus.
       May we this Christmas  be part of  new Birth as we follow and live our lives as the   Hall Bookings
       people of God .                                                                      If you want to book the Village Hall please contact our booking Secretary Joanna

       What’s on in December                                                                Syrett  or telephone 01929 472037 she will also be able
                                                                                            to show you around if you are not familiar with the building.
       Sunday 3    December  -  First Sunday in Advent  which is our monthly Service  at
               rd h
       2pm  will  be  led  by  Mr  Peter    Jenner  .    Refreshments  after  the  Service.    All  are
       welcome.                                                                                                                    Fancy a game of table
       Saturday  9   December    -  Craft  and  Kids  Christmas  part  .  2-30pm  to  3.45pm.
       Afternoon of Games and a craft activity  and Food .  Parents  can join in  and                                              As part of our bid to try to generate
       there  is  Tea/Coffee,  Juice    and  food  .  Its  free  but  donations  are  welcome  to                                  some  income  for  the  Hall  we  are
       cover costs.                                                                                                                able  to  offer  family  table  tennis
                                                                                                                                   sessions,    if  you  are  interested  in
                                            Tuesday  19   December    -    Carol                                                   hiring it  the fee is  £10 per family for
                                            Service  at 7pm . Led by Peter Jenner                                                  an hour.
                                            followed  by  Mince  Pies  ,  Tea  &
                                            Coffee  .    An  evening  of  Carols  and                                              Contact  the  Booking  Secretary
                                            Bible Readings which tell the Christmas                                                Joanna on  01929 472037
                                            story.  All are  welcome. It will be dark
                                            so remember to bring your Touch .                                                         Alison Bennett Chairperson  01929
                                            On  behalf    of  All    at  Bere  Heath
                                            Methodist  Church    we  wish  you  a
                                            Happy and Peacefull Christmas  as we
       welcome the Prince Of Peace , our Lord and Saviour .
                      Peter Jenner – Lay Worker – Children and Families and Outreach.

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