Page 20 - BR December 2023
P. 20

December 2023                                                                       December 2023

                                              FUNERAL TRIBUTES                                Nova Scotia

                                                                                              Your homes and your holdings were cleared by decree.
                           Along  with  the  2.5  acres  of  woodland  Mike  and  Andrew      I cannot imagine how these things could be.
                         brought  a  few  year  ago,  Mike  liked  to  collect  wood  from    Cheviot sheep came to people the hills,
                         tree work he did around the village. This was more that just a       With Northumberland farmers and shepherding skills.
                         hobby  for  Mike,  he  set  up  a  small  company,  The  ELM
                         branch, and got all the tree climbing gear.                          Nova Scotia

         I  not  sure  there  are  many  other  70-year  olds  that                                                  Your factors drove tenants from houses and land.
         climb 30 foot up a tree on one rope with a chainsaw                                                       Your church gave its blessings to those in command.
         in hand, but Mike did enjoy it. There have been many                                                            Your ministers watched as their parish homes.
         accidents,  most  minor  but some  slightly  more  major.                                             The cries and the anguish went unheeded and spurned.
         Finding  the  tip  of  his  thumb  in  the  sawdust  beneath
         the  circular  saw  was  one  of  the  more  serious                                                                                         Nova Scotia
         accidents. Falling 15 foot out of a tree on the gravel                               What hope was there then for a man of low birth,
         probably  being  the  worst.  The  air  ambulance  was                               With a handful of seeds and an acre of earth,
         called  but  luckily  a  quick  trip  to  A  &  E  and  he  was
         back climbing trees within the month.                                                Against Fort William, Fort Augustus and General Wade,
                                                                                              And the red coated soldiers with musket and blade.
         All  of  these  injuries  have  just  added  to  his  list.  The                     Nova Scotia
         metal  plate  he  had in  his  leg,  the  stent  in  his  celiac
         artery,  the  nose  that  he  broke  5  times,  the  hip                                                   Sometimes it seems there’s a chip on your shoulder.
         replacement and the shattered bones in his wrist are                                                        Your feelings are bitter while embers still smoulder.
         all on this list. This is the list he had tattooed on to his
         bottom for medical research purposes. Unfortunately                                                            Will you ever again trust a man from the south,
         students won’t be able to have a laugh about this as sadly he had to have a                                  Or believe in the words from a sassenach mouth.
         post mortem.  Mike’s career, hobbies and personal life were all extra ordinary                                                               Nova Scotia
         and we could talk for hours about him and his accomplishments, we are all so         Paul J Openshaw
         grateful for what he has given us.

         From Johnny Owen, a dear friend
                                  I’ve got a handful of a few people’s recollections
                                  of Mike in the context of Great Wood over many
                                  years which I’m going to read out. In one of my
                                  early years helping at the Backwoodsman camp I
                                  was  paired  with  Mike  as  my  senior  to  lead  a         To all our Regular Contributors
                                  cabin,  I  found  his  experience  and  wisdom  an
                                  inspiration. Speaking with my brother Chris a few
                                  days  ago he  said  almost  exactly  the  same  from                 Early copy deadline for the January magazine
                                  his experience a few years on from that.  Then a
                                  few years on again, when I took over leading the
                                  camp,  I  had  Mike  beside  me  as  the  Adjutant,                              Saturday 9th December
                                  and  I  valued  his  experience  and  wisdom  even

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