Page 87 - br-dec-2020
P. 87

December 2020                       December 2020
 AFFPUDDLE REMEMBRANCE   stay  well  and  healthy  so  that  he  can  work  on  the  24   of  December  as  usual.
       Fortunately  for  him  he’s  out  and  about  when  the  streets  are  very  quiet  and  as
 The  Parish  of  Affpuddle  with  Turnerspuddle  held      such he will be able to go about his business in the night as it has been classified
 their  usual  short  service  of  remembrance  at  the   as essential travel. Thank goodness for common sense!
 War  Memorial  in  Bladen  Valley  at  11.00  on  8   The  village  hall  café  is  still  hoping  to  be
 November.    Unusually,  those  attending  were   able  to  put  on  a  series  of  Christmas
 socially  distanced  and  wore  masks  in  line  with   lunches  for  smaller  numbers  at  a  time.
 government guidance in response to Covid19.
       Under  covid  safe  guidelines  we  feel
 The  service  was  well  attended,  and  five  wreaths   comfortable  catering  for  a  maximum  of
 were  laid  to  encompass  all  aspects  of  the   24 people on each day and you can pre
 community.   book a table for 1-6 people. There will be
       a  welcome  drink,  a  three  course
 Campbell  de  Burgh   Christmas  lunch  and  tea,  coffee  and

 kindly   played   the   mince pies to follow.
       The  hall  will  be  decorated  and  maybe,
 (On a historical note the War Memorial was designed   but  only  maybe,  Santa  will  allow  one  or
 by  Eric  Gill,  ARA  and  was  unveiled  on  12  November   two of his elves to come along and provide table service for you. The lunches are
 1918, the day after Armistice Day,)   open to anyone of any age and tickets for the event will be £5 per person. Again
       a  slight  change  from  what  I  said  last  month  but  general  opinion  of  those
 On  11  November,  a  wreath  was  laid  in  the  Peace
 Shrine in St Laurence’s churchyard. Those present held   consulted was that one price for all was fair for everyone. I currently have around
 2 minutes silence at 11.00am.   a dozen people who would like to reserve tables and so please let me know if you
       would  like  to  put  your  name  down  to  join in.  The  dates  for  these  events  at  the
 A  small  cairn  of  stones  has  been  started  to  enable   moment are Thursday the 10  December and Tuesday the 15  December, Friday
 those  who  wish  to  remember  somebody  to  place  a   the 18  December can also be available if demand requires. The process will be
 stone there at any time.   that  each  date  needs  to  be  fully  booked  before  the  next  date  is  opened
       although preferred dates can be set aside subject to sufficient demand for the
 Elizabeth Whatley & Michael Menzies, Churchwardens   event to take place. Again you will be asked to wear a face covering except for
       when  you  are  seated  and  table  service  will  be  provided  with  all  volunteers
       kitchen or table wearing gloves and face coverings.
 And some photos of the Remembrance Floral Arrangements in St John the
 Baptist, Bere Regis   The Christmas lights competition will go ahead as usual and so if you’d like to join
       in please decorate your houses so that they can be seen from the road. We will
       endeavour to drive round and view your lights but would also ask you to please
       send a picture to me. You can email your pictures to or
       you  can  what’s  app  them  to  me  on  07818078191.  I  will  circulate  them  to  the
       judges  and  prizes  will  be  awarded,  we  cannot  hold  the  Christmas  lights
       celebration  this  year  as  regulations  don’t  currently  permit  gatherings  of  that
       nature and we couldn’t operate a socially distanced event safely.
       On a sad note I have to advise everyone that the New Year’s Eve party this year
       and also the Burns night celebrations cannot take place due to social distancing
       regulations and gatherings of large groups of people. Maybe we can organise a
       zoom  meeting  at  midnight  to  wish  one  another  a  happy  new  year.  Watch  this
       space, or rather the parish website as this space won’t be watchable again until

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