Page 88 - br-dec-2020
P. 88

December 2020                                                                       December 2020

       All of these activities are subject to cancellation at very short notice and subject   We wish  Richard and Karen a happy retirement but look forward to their future
       to government regulations at the time of the event. My instinct suggests that at    attendance at our church services and events.
       this moment in time they are less likely to happen than more likely, but if we’re
       allowed to put them on be assured, we will be there to do so.                                                                  David Gray, Secretary to the PCC

       A slight variation on a traditional Carol
                                                                                           *  a  limited  number  of  these  Church  clocks,  designed  and  manufactured  by  Mr
       “We will have a merry Christmas
                                                                                           Tony Bates and the late Geoffrey Booth, are still available. Contact David Gray  at
         We will have a merry Christmas                                           for details.
         We will have a merry Christmas
         And a happy new year”
                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE CHURCHWARDEN RETIRING!
       Thank you again for all the support you have given to us as trustees of the village
       hall again this year, we will, hopefully be able to share the hall together for more
       joyous  gatherings  next  year  and  truly  look  forward  to  be  able  to  meet  up  and   Colonel  Stephen  Sanderson  has  retired  as
       enjoy one another’s company again.                                                   churchwarden  at  St  Laurence’s  after  10
                                                                                            years.  Steve  has  worked  hard  and  been
       Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you all.                                     involved  in  many  changes  over  those  10
                                                                                            years. The PCC made a small presentation to
                        Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees
                                                                                            him  following  the  Annual  Parochial  Church
                                   Email, Mobile 07818078191           Meeting  on  18  October.  A  cheque  from  a
                                                                                            grateful  parish  was  presented  to  him  in  the
                                                                                            Peace Garden on 11 November.
       THE HISTORY OF BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE                                                 Enjoy your retirement Steve!
       HALL                                                                                 Steve is replaced by Michael Menzies who will work with Elizabeth Whatley, who
                                                                                            has been churchwarden for 6 years.
       There are only a handful of thatched village halls in the country and one of them
       is  our  hall  here  in  Briantspuddle.  Internally,  although  it  now  has  many  modern
       facilities, a glance up at the roof and the structure of the main hall will tell you of
       its former use as a barn, where the grain from the surrounding fields was stored.
       In the 17  century the tithe barn belonging to Bryantspuddle Farm occupied this
       site and was then rebuilt in 1803 after much of the original building was destroyed
                                            by fire. The walls are cob and the roof
                                            thatched,  the  cart  entrance  on  the
                                            west side is hidden by a later extension
                                            (Bladen  Social  Club)  but  the  east  cart
                                            exit still exists. The farmyard and pigsties
                                            were  situated  where  the  car  park  is
                                            In the 1920’s the barn was converted to
                                            a village hall by Ernest Debenham and
                                            an extension  was added to provide a
                                            kitchen  and  outbuildings  built  of

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