Page 82 - br-dec-2020
P. 82

December 2020                                                                       December 2020

       Briantspuddle Amenity Complex
       This has been an extraordinary year and the Parish Council would like to thank its             auditor.  This meant he travelled around the country to the various
       tenants for doing all they can to support the community, albeit in different ways.             depots.    This  coincided  with  his  passion  for  finding  the  cheapest,
                                                                                              worst produced, quirkiest cars he could find.  So, us boys had to suffer sitting
       The  village  shop  and  the  village  hall  committees  have  worked  together  to
       facilitate the safe use of the shop as well as extending other offerings, including a   in  the  back  of  a  selection  of  the  finest  cars  the  communist  states  could
                                                                                              muster namely Skoda’s, Lada’s and the ubiquitous Yugo 45. The 45 on the
       Christmas room, into the hall.
                                                                                              brand  name  indicated  the  fastest  the  thing  would  go  and  then  it  would
       The village shop has gone from strength to strength and several residents have         have to be downhill with a following wind.  In true Ivor style he finished his
       contacted to make the Parish Council aware of just how much this amenity has           driving career with a Romanian Dacia.
       meant to them during this difficult year.  Volunteers have done a sterling job and
       the Parish Council would like to thank them for all their efforts.                     Ivor proposed to my mum Sylvia at the very gates to this church and they
                                                                                              married here in 1955.  Upon their marriage they set up home at Milbourne St
       As lockdown lifted and government restrictions eased, we saw the advent of a           Andrew before moving to Bere Regis in 1958.  That was the year I was born.  I
       coffee shop run by the village hall committee on a Saturday morning as well as         was conceived on the strict understanding he had to be earning £8 a week
       during the week. This offered a very welcome opportunity to socialise in a safe        so he must have been on really good money in 1962 when Martin turned up.
       way.  I have seen for myself how comprehensive the safety precautions are and
       how time consuming they are to administer.  Whist the current lockdown means           Mum  and  Dad  gave  us  strong  and  stable  upbringing  for  which  we  are
       the coffee shop can’t operate as I write this article, I know it will reopen just as   extremely  grateful.    He  was  a  strict  disciplinarian,  and  the  church  was  an
       soon as government guidelines permit.  Once again thanks go out to volunteers.         important  part  of  the  routine,  from  Sunday  school  to  singing  in  Bere  Regis
                                                                                              choir.    Sunday  afternoon  was  sacrosanct,  and  we  were  never  allowed  to
       Looking forward to better times the Parish Council has invited the Committees of       play outside of our own garden.   Although money was tight, I do not ever
       the  Village  Hall  and  Social  Club  to  participate  in  a  working  group  in  order  to   remember us going without and we were always turned out smart with food
       mutually agree the best way that the facilities can enhance the community in           in our bellies.
       the  future  and  how  the  Parish  Council,  as  landlord,  can  support  them  in  their   After finishing his career with Express Dairies, he had another 10 years working
       efforts. Positive responses have been received from both parties and the Parish        at East Dorset Golf Club as secretary prior to retiring at 65.
       Council has decided to extend the invite to representatives from the Village Shop
       Committee to join discussions.  Once the format of the meetings are agreed they        Holidays  were  starting  to  become  an  important  part  of  their  lives  and
       can be scheduled, albeit remotely.  Councillors are optimistic about benefits of       although coach trips to Spain, Austria and Germany were undertaken their
       such cooperation.                                                                      real passion and love was The Lake District.  Mum and Dad holidayed there
                                                                                              year after year at the same place on the same farm, and when Mum died,
       This year has been challenging for all organisation in different ways.  Meeting to     he continued to return to the Lake District.  At one time they were extremely
       talk about how the future might look, and how the organisation can best work           serious and close to moving up north, but their instincts were tapered by their
       together, will help ensure the complex can thrive at the heart of our community
       for when we emerge from this difficult period.                                         family responsibilities and it remained just a holiday spot and a pipe dream.
                                                                                              Dad  has  had  many  hobbies  over  his  life  including  being  part  of  the

                                                                                              Puddletown Carnival committee,  woodworking, the
       S133/137 Grants                                                                        Royal  Observer  Corp,  CAB,  Organ  Clubs,  Camera
                                                                                              Club to name just a few.  Ivor being Ivor, he always
       The Parish Council considered a revised grant application from  Affpuddle PCC.
       Councillors were pleased to award £200 to the PCC who will use the money to            threw himself in whole heartedly and mum being the
       maintain  two  lawnmowers  and  purchase  other  grounds  maintenance                  good wife always supported him.
       equipment.                                                                             But, the biggest passion of all was his love of music,
                                                                                              Reg his father was a church organist at Winterbourne

                                                                                              Anderson and dad learnt the trade there.  He took
                                                                                              his  music  exams  to  ABRSM  grade  8.    St  Laurence’s

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