Page 85 - br-dec-2020
P. 85

December 2020                       December 2020

 we have all started our lives.  But Jesus is the Son of God, and came to live on this   expected “to do” everything themselves.
 earth for 33 years, showing us what God is like.  Then He died on a cross, taking
 the punishment for our sins, so that we can be forgiven and reconciled to God.     The value the shop brings in being “Community” run far exceeds the stock we sell.
       It brings us together with a joint purpose and opportunity to support each other.
 But of course it means we have a choice. Love does not force our hand, but it   It’s important that this continues and we will continue to rely on volunteers to run
 leaves us to decide.  Are we going to choose light or darkness, God’s way or our   the shop on a day to day basis but we would like someone to help co-ordinate
 own way?  It’s not just we who are waiting.  Jesus is waiting too, for us to make the   across all the teams of volunteers who take responsibility for the various activities
 choice to follow Him.  Again He offers us His gift of new life this Christmas time, we   that we undertake. Please consider if this person maybe you and if you’d like to
 have the choice to accept His gift, or to refuse it.  We wouldn’t refuse gifts that   talk  about  it  in  more  detail  or  express  interest  please  give  me  a  call  on  07976
 other people give us, don’t refuse this gift from One who willingly gave His life for   410621 or email me at
       Quote for this month “the veg in the village shop is
 A well known carol that we sing      better  quality  than  “W*******”  and  cheaper  than
 is ‘In the bleak mid-winter’.  One      “L***”  –  I  will  let  you  fill  in  the  gaps.  But  it’s  true,
 of the verses says,   twice  a  week  we  bring  in  a  fresh  delivery  of  the
 “What can I give Him, poor as I   best fruit and veg, straight from the market. All sorts
 am?      If  I  were  a  shepherd  I   of  everyday  and  more  unusual  fruit  and  veg.
 would give a lamb.   Before you go to the supermarket next time just try
       the village shop.
 If I were a wise man I would do
 my part, -  yet what I can I give   Thank  you  for  continuing  to  support  the  Village
 Him, Give my heart.   shop  the  more  you  use  us  the  more  we  can
       maintain a wide range of fresh produce.
 “To us a child is born, to us a Son
 is  given,  ...  and  He  will  be   To  place  an  order  please  contact  us  on  01929
 called  ....  Prince  of  Peace.    Of   472000  during  opening  hours  and  by  email
 the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.”  Isaiah 9:6 You can collect or we’re happy to deliver.
               Ali Chorley, Chair, The friends of Briantspuddle post office and village shop
 As a Church we pray that you will have a very God blessed Christmas, knowing His
 peace and strength in your lives at this difficult time.  May it also be the time when
 you receive that new life that Jesus came to bring you. If you need help in any
 way do get in touch with us.

 Just a smile   Well here we are at the end of another year and
 A  young  child,  who  had  just  visited  Santa’s  Grotto,  was  in  floods  of  tears.    His   what  a  year!  We  have  all  lived  through  some
 mother asked him what was the matter.  Between sobs he said, “I’m not going to   uncertain  times  I’m  sure  during  our  lives  and  yet
 get  any  Christmas  presents.    When  I  asked  Santa  he  said  he  doesn’t  know  my   right  now  as  I’m  writing  this  the  only  certainty
 address.”   appears to be uncertainty.
       I always try to remember the people that need to be thanked for the things they
 An  elderly  church  member  had  misplaced  his  dentures,  and  no  amount  of
 searching could find them.   A child who heard of this said to her sister: “I know   have done for the village hall and our community. This time I would like to say a
 where they are.  He put them under his pillow and the tooth fairy has taken them   huge thank you to everyone across our entire community.
 away.”   The way we’ve all stepped up to the plate and looked out for one another, taken
       the time to share a kind word, made others aware of those who may be in need.
 Joyce Healey
       Covid  may  well  have  thrown  our  world  into  turmoil  and  uncertainty  but  it  has

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