Page 92 - br-dec-2020
P. 92

December 2020
                 SMALL ADS                                                                                               December 2020
                                                                                           FROM THE REGISTERS
         TREE SURGEONS           Improve Strength,        Sharon Dobson
        Felling/pruning/shredding/  Balance, Mobility       Handmade                       Funerals
          35 years experience,       and Health          Find out how I can help you       St Laurence, Affpuddle
        City & Guilds qualified, fully   Join one of my exercise   transform the look of your
               insured,                                          home.                     30  October           Ivor Mullins
        Tree Works Application on   classes in Wool, Winfrith,   Bespoke handmade curtains
              your behalf           Briantspuddle or      and alterations, Roman
                                       Lulworth                                            St John the Baptist, Bere Regis
        Mike and Emma Lucy Menzies                        blinds, soft furnishings and
           THE ELM BRANCH          Contact Elaine on        upholstery projects            10  November          Heather Cleall

            Tel: 01929 471263       01929 462916
            Mob: 07419312517                              07960 459834
                Email:               07967 203581     Interment of ashes
                                                                                           13  November          Heather Cleall
                                   Carpet Fitter              Computer
            Drax Hall
                                       P J Bushby             Problems?                    BISHOP’S LETTER
        Available for hire for private
           parties or for regular    All aspects of carpet and   Email & internet support
               meetings.          vinyl fitting undertaken.     Wireless networking setup
         Large hall and smaller room   Domestic or commercial.     PC and Laptop repairs   From Bishop Nicholas…
          are both available.  The    Your own materials fitted or   Virus and malware removal
         latter especially suitable for   home selection if preferred.     No call-out charge   Christmas  is  going  to  be  different  this
           children’s parties.  For    Helpful advice always    Over 20 years’ experience   year.  We  all  know  it  even  though  we
        details of hiring charges etc.    available.  The complete    Call Alan on :       don’t know exactly how it will work out
                                 carpet and flooring service.                              at home and everywhere.
        Contact Hall Secretary - Lyn                        01929 480529
               Simmonds           01202 624684                07710 835905                 This year churches have become very
         01929 471528                                      good  at  working  with  the  provisional
                                                                                           and adapting plans at the last minute but it is hard to make sure that everyone is
                                                                                           included. This Christmas it will be difficult to make sure that everyone knows that
                                                             Helen Rigler                  church continues to be available for the whole community. I am looking forward
        Toes and Fingers            Claire Myers                                           to seeing how we all do it. Necessity is the mother of invention!
          Toe and finger nail        PILATES            HOLISTIC THERAPIST                 I  wonder  what  this  looks  like  from  God’s  point  of  view?  It’s  probably  not  that
        cutting service in your                          The Egdon Heath Practice          different to usual. The world is making a bit of a mess of God’s beautiful creation.
             own home           At Moreton Village Hall     Winfrith Newburgh              There have been some lovely examples of people caring for each other better
                                                                                           but  we  haven’t  even  used  the  crisis  of  a  global  pandemic  to  build  better
         Toe nail cutting £15    Monday mornings         Offering Reflexology,             international relations and God can see there are other challenges coming at us -
        Finger nail cutting £12   9.15  - Intermediate    Massage, Reiki and               the economy, climate change and the environment, and all those issues facing
         Both treatments £18                                    Facials                    people about the balance between me and us and who we mean by us.
                                  10.20  -  Gentle        Over 15 years experience         From God’s point of view it looks pretty obvious that we human beings need to do
             Call Kay on
                         01305 854720                  more together which is why he sent his Son to teach us a few simple truths about
          01202 280492 or
                                                       what it means to be human.  At Christmas, light came into darkness, love came
            07968 290333                                    07766 691080                   among us and peace was offered to a fractured world. From God’s point of view

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