Page 32 - br-dec-2020
P. 32

December 2020                                                                       December 2020

       towards  Dorset  Council’s  response                                                 LOCKDOWN STORIES
       to tackling the climate emergency.
       With  Government  plans  to  ban  the
       sale of internal combustion engines                                                  Over the Hill at Christmastide
       by  2035,  now  is  the  time  to  be
       investing  in  the  charging                                                         This is my third attempt to write this article on
       infrastructure  for  the  benefit  of                                                this  computer.  I  have  lost  it  on  both  the
       Dorset’s  residents  and  visitors.  A                                               previous occasions. Why this has happened I
       feasibility  study  of  all  120  Dorset                                             do  not  know  I  have  had  Windows  10  for
       Council  owned  public  car  parks                                                   several  years  now  and  it  has  not  created
       was  carried  out  to  identify  the                                                 many problems for me. Now every time I turn
       priority  locations.    Work  at  the  first                                         it  on,  the  screen  I  see  is  different  to  any  I
       sites  (phase  1)  will  start  in  January                                          have seen before. On each of the occasions
       2021 and they were chosen based on several factors including cost of connection      I tried to complete this article, it wasn’t there
       to the electricity supply network, proximity of existing charge points, and expected   when I  switched  on.  So  yesterday  evening I
       demand. The installation and management costs of the charge points is being met      tried again and was so pleased when I was
       by  external  contractors.    In  return  Dorset  Council  receive  an  annual  10%  profit   able  to  find  an  almost  completed  article.  I
       share generated by each charge point for the next 15 years.                          saved it and was so pleased later on to be able to find it again but when I turned
                                                                                            on the computer this morning I had again lost it.
       Unfortunately, some towns/locations will miss out on the first phase of installation.  If
       a site is not included in phase 1 then new charge points might still be delivered in   Now I am trying it again. The fact that it is just another wet day, with very heavy
       later phases.  Some locations face greater difficulties due to the cost of installing   rain showers, I am trying again.
       charge points at those locations.
                                                                                            As I look out of the windows, I can see the trees are subject to a considerable
       Charges  per  kilowatt  hour  for  using  the  charge  points  have  been  set  at  the   wind and nearly all the leaves on the exposed trees are now leafless, while those
       competitive  rate  of  30  pence  per  kilowatt  hour  (enough  to  drive  about  40   in the woods still retain theirs. We are experiencing a very mild start to winter. Last
       miles).  Normal car parking charges will apply whilst charging.  Once active, the    week  we  had  three  frosts  but  they  certainly  had  so  little  affect  on  anything.
       charge  points  will  appear  on  Zap  Map,  an  industry  standard  publicly  available   Flowers  are  still  blooming  in  our  garden,  kaffir  lilies,  hydrangeas,  pansies,
       application for finding charge points.                                               geraniums,  marigolds  and  bush  roses  and  climbing  roses.  I  don’t  think  I  have
                                                                                            forgotten any but I not going out in the pouring rain to check.

       Dorset County Car Park Permits                                                       Oh what a wet autumn and early winter we are having. Ditches, streams and of
                                                                                            course  the River Piddle are very much in full flow, which has caused soil water
       Dorset  residents  are  being  asked  for  their  views  on  a  new  parking  permit.  The   levels to be greater than usual. This has created many difficulties for farmers. With
       permits would provide a money-saving, convenient and cash-free way to park in        anybody wishing to overwinter animals at grass either partly or completely, are in
       Dorset Council-owned car parks around the county.                                    serious difficulties. While arable men can’t get on with ploughing up stubbles or
                                                                                            even drill late winter crops. And spraying for any reason is out of the question.
       Residents  in  the  former  West  Dorset  District  Council  area  have  been  able  to
       purchase permits for several years. All Dorset residents are now being asked if this   When  I  think  back  at  my  years  as  a  farm  manager,  I  go  back  to  my  days  of
       should  be  extended  across  the  Dorset  Council  area,  or  if  the  existing  scheme   managing  two  and  a  half  thousand  acres  of  flat  land,  behind  the  sea  wall  in
       should be ended. It is estimated the cost to Dorset Council for the permits would    Wexford harbour in Ireland, where we were visited each winter by some two and
       be at least £50,000 per year (administration costs and reduced parking revenue).     a half thousand geese and two hundred plus swans. I will leave this experience to
       However, with many town centres struggling due to COVID-19, the introduction of      a later date as it is a story in its own right.
       shopper’s  permits  could  encourage  people  to  visit  their  local  towns  more
       frequently.  The  consultation  runs  from  30  October  to  midnight  on  6  December   Now  I  must  get  back  to  our  own  country,  where  I  have  experienced  enough
       2020. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and is on the Dorset Council   problems  over  winter.  Luckily,  most  of  my  time  was  spent  farming  here  in  the
       website Paper copies of the survey will be available in Dorset libraries from early   south, in Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset where the subsoil has been chalk and

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