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December 2020                                                                       December 2020

       response  form.  When  the  consultation  has  concluded  officers  will  collate  and
       summarise  the responses and send this summary  (together with full copies of all   AN EVACUEE’S STORY
       responses) to the examining Planning Inspector for her consideration.
       Subject to the Inspector’s consideration of the responses, officers hope that she
       will find that the Purbeck Local Plan can be found sound and legally compliant      Eileen Maidment (nee Henson)
       with the proposed Main Modifications. If she reaches this conclusion officers will   I left London when I was nine, being able to take only one change of clothes, gas
       prepare  a  recommendation  to  Dorset  Councillors  that  subject  to  Main        mask and the evacuees badge (the brown parcel label)  on 2 September 1939
       Modifications the Council adopts the Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034).
                                                                                           with  my  Mum,  brother  George  and  sister  Elizabeth  (Bet.)  My  Dad  had  to  stay
                                                                                           behind as he was an ARP warden.

       Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule for                           I remember a long walk to the railway station and then very long train journey, not
       Purbeck area                                                                        knowing where we were going.  We eventually got off the train in Wareham and
                                                                                           went into a hall where people gave us some rations.  I can remember we had a
       The  council  has  been  reviewing  the  Purbeck  CIL  Charging  Schedule in  tandem   big bar of chocolate and some very hard biscuits.
       with  the  Purbeck  Local  Plan.  The  Inspector  has  requested  that  some  further
       modifications to the Draft CIL Charging Schedule are consulted on at the same       We then had a  bumpy bus ride to Bere Regis and went to the  W. I. hut where
       time  as  the  Purbeck  Local  Plan  proposed  Main  Modifications.  The  further   village people were waiting to take us home with them.  Unfortunately as there
       modifications to the draft CIL schedule result from proposed Main Modifications to   were four of us no-one could take us, so we had to wait until the billeting officer,
       the Purbeck local plan and changes in CIL Regulations and the planning use class    Mr Gregory, could arrange something.  He arranged that my brother and I went
       order  since  it  was  submitted  in  January  2019  and  provide  clarification.    CIL   to his home and my Mum and sister in the house next door.
       regulations only require limited consultation at this stage for 4 weeks (between the
       13th  November  and  11th  December  2020).  Everyone  on  the  council’s  original   Mr  Gregory  took  us  in  his  car  to  Southbrook.    (My
       consultation  database  will  be  notified  and  documents  placed  on  the  website.   brother  and  I  thought  it  was  strange  as  Mr  Gregory
       Responses to the proposed CIL modifications will be forwarded to the Inspector      had curtains in his car and to this day we don't know
       and inform the CIL hearing which we anticipate in the new year, probably around     why?)  There  was  thunder  and  lightning  and  I  asked
       February time.                                                                      the lady if I could have a light as we were frightened
                                                                                           and  she  brought  us  a  little  oil  lamp.    This  was  very
       Below is a somewhat technical article on the CIL, which is a charge on developers   strange to me as we had left a three storey house with
       to pay for Community infrastructure projects. It is all part of our goal to satisfy the   gas lighting, running water and an inside bathroon.   It
       Government Inspector as to the soundness of the Purbeck Local Plan (see earlier     was  eerie  having  to  go  down  the  garden  to  the
       article)                                                                            outside privy.
       The Council submitted the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and       The next day we were on the move again and it was
       Priorities for Spending, 2019 (the Schedule) for examination in January 2019. At the   arranged  for  my  Mum,  sister  and  brother  to  go  to
       same  time  the  Council  consulted  on  several  minor  changes  in  a  Statement  of   Shitterton  and I  went  next door  to  Mr  Battrick.   I  was
       Modifications  which  was  subsequently  submitted  to  the  Examiner  with  the    very lucky as they were a lovely family. They had three
       responses  to  that  consultation.    Additional  minor  changes  are  set  out  in  a   daughters, two away in service and one at home.  They treated me like their own
       Statement  of  Further  Modifications  (the  Statement)  reflecting  changes  in  CIL   and I called them Mum and Dad and I was really very happy there.
       Regulations and addressing new evidence, changes in planning use classes and
       updates in the draft Purbeck Local Plan during examination. These are available     Mum had to go back to London as her father was very ill. She took Bet with her as
       to comment on until 11.45pm on 11th December 2020.                                  she  was  still  very  young.    The  authorities  said I had  to  go  to  Shitterton  with  my
                                                                                           brother as it was cheaper to keep us together. I was sad to leave my lovely family
       Alongside the Statement the Council has also published:                             and I always kept in contact with them.
                                                                                           The  people  at  Shitterton  had  no  children  and  we  were  well  looked  after.
                                                                                           However  I  didn't  like  having  to  get  our  porridge  cooked  on  the  primus  every
                                                                                           morning.  Also when Auntie Effy was cleaning the church she left me housework

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