Page 29 - br-dec-2020
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December 2020                       December 2020

 to do.   Again we had to get used to only having oil lamps or candles, no flush   are  subject  to change  due  to  weather  conditions  or  unforeseen  circumstances.
 toilet and getting water from the well.  We had lots of playmates at Shitterton and   We will advertise the closures on yellow signs placed in advance at the alongside
 recall many carefree, happy days.   the A31.

 Whilst  Mum  was  in  London  my  sister  was  taken  ill  so  they  had  to  stay  but  Mum   If  you  have  any  questions,  or  if  you  would  like  to  know  about  our  work,  please
 always sent my brother and I a shilling a week each.  We had to buy a national   contact us on 0300 123 5000 or email Or you can
 savings stamp with half of it and other half we could use to buy out sweet ration   visit  our  website  at
 which we got at Mr Coles garage shop.   report/ where you can find a weekly report of all full closures across the network.
 We went to Sunday school at the chapel and I was in Granny Halls concert party.
 Great fun. With the help of the farmer I organised a jumble sale on his lawn and a   Purbeck Local Plan
 concert  in  his  barn  and  we  raised  £127  which  was  sent  to  the  Red  Cross.    I
 received a nice letter of thanks from them. We were always organising little bits of   The local plan relates to the Purbeck area of Dorset Council and was submitted for
 entertainment in the barn and I was instrumental in teaching most of the village   examination  in  January  2019.  Public  hearing  sessions  were  held  as  part  of  the
 boys how to dance.   plan’s examination in July, August and October 2019. After considering responses
       made  on  the  local  plan,  and  the  matters  raised  in  the  course  of  the  hearing
 One day a special friend, Elsie and I picked primroses and bunched them up and   sessions, the Planning Inspector who examined the plan provided the council with
 went  up  to  Podges  to  sell  them  at  sixpence  a  bunch.    I  can't  remember  how   a Post Hearing Note in March 2020 (
 many we sold. I developed very bad chilblains on my heels and had a job to get   buildings-land/planning-policy/purbeck/post-hearings-note-20-03-2020.pdf  ).  The
 my shoes on.  The postmaster, Mr Gower  kindly came to take me to school in his   fourth paragraph of the Inspector’s note states that ‘…I am reasonably satisfied at
 car. The W.V.S. ladies brought us a parcel every month from America.
       this stage that with Main Modifications the Plan is likely to be capable of being
       found legally compliant and sound…’. The note then goes onto reference several
 Then the soldiers arrived in the village and they gave us sweets and chocolate
 from the NAAFI.  They had films in the Drax Hall and we would walk down there   changes that need to be made to the local plan in order to ensure that it meets
 and at the interval some of us girls would sing for them.   the tests for soundness (described in the National Planning Policy Framework) and
       is  compliant  with  planning  law.  Without  these  changes  the  Inspector  will  not
 The  American  soldiers  were  billeted  in  the  W.I.  hut  and  in  the  grounds  of  White   recommend that the council can adopt the local plan.
 Lovington.  Their sergeant was billeted in the Royal Oak.  We had great fun with
 the soldiers and at the dances learning to jitterbug.   Since  receiving  the  note  officers  have  been  working  closely  with  the  Planning
       Inspector to prepare a ‘composite schedule of proposed Main Modifications’. This
 After about three years Mum came back but the house we were in was said to be   schedule provides a list of the changes to the local plan that are needed in order
 unsafe  so  we  all  had  to  move.    The  kind  people  we  were  living  with  went  to   to ensure that it is sound and legally compliant. The next stage of the examination
 Spetisbury  to  live  with  family  and  Mum  found  us  another  billet  in  North  Street.    process  for  the  Purbeck  Local  Plan  involves  publishing  the  proposed  Main
 Unfortunately this was not such a happy time.  I was on curfew in the evenings but   Modifications  together  with  a  number  of  other  documents  including,  updated:
 I  used  to  climb  out  of  the  bedroom   local plan policies map(s); Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) and Sustainability
 window and down a ladder to go and      Appraisal  (SA);  5  year  Housing  Land  Supply;  and  an  Infrastructure  Development
 see my friends.   Plan.

 Mum had been working for the farmer   The  consultation  on  the  above  is  scheduled  to  take  place  between  Friday  13th
 and  he  had  an  empty  cottage  in   November  2020  and  Friday  8th  January  2021  over  8  weeks.  Officers  will  be
 West Street at the end of Butt Lane so   encouraging  people  to  access  the  consultation  documents  electronically  and
 we  moved  in  there.    We  had  one   make  their  responses  digitally  using  an  online  form  or  through  e-mails,  this  is  in
 bedroom  and  one  chair  which  the   accordance  with  government  guidance  around  social  distancing  to  limit  the
 previous  owners  had  left.      I  can   spread  of  COVID-19.  Where  people  are  unable  to  access  digital  copies  of
 remember my brother and I sitting on   consultation documents or make their response through the council’s website/by
 the steps to have our meals. Dad had   e-mail, there will be an opportunity to loan a selection of the key documents from
 come  down  to  be  near  us  but  he   a  number  of  libraries  (including  Upton,  Lytchett  Matravers,  Wareham,  Swanage,
 could only get lodgings in Poole near   Photo credit: Paul and Alison Bennett   Wool  and  Dorchester)  and  make  any  responses  in  writing  using  a  standard

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