Page 37 - br-dec-2020
P. 37

December 2020                       December 2020
       recent storms, and more may need to be removed on safety grounds, we will also
       look to planting new trees as replacements.

       West Street Telephone Kiosk
       Despite indicating back in June that we were interested in buying the phone box
       in   West   Street,   we   regret   it   was   anyway   removed   by   BT!

       Garden of Hope

       Following  a  request  from  Alison  Bennett  for  some  land  to  be  allocated  as  a
       community  garden  and  run  and  maintained  as  a  public  space  by  a  team  of
       volunteers, for a “Garden of Hope”, the council unanimously agreed to support
       this idea and will look at possible spaces for this over the next month.

       Increase of Precept

       In line with recent years, it was agreed at a recent budget meeting of the finance
       working  party,  to  increase  the  parish  precept,  which  is  received  from  Dorset
       Council from the Council Tax payments, by just over £6,000 from last year, a rise of
       9.39%. The parish precept makes up approximately 96% of the income we receive
       throughout the year, and covers the cost of almost everything we do within the
       parish, such as the Lengthsman scheme, grant funding, repairs and improvements
       to parish council facilities such as the Play Park, improving and maintaining paths
       and areas owned by the council, maintaining the Cemetery, the clerk’s wages,
       insurance and other costs involved with keeping the parish neat, tidy and safe.
       The increase equates to about £10 per month on a Band D property .
                                                                 Bryan Benjafield

                                                Quality Tax and
           KingsBere                                Accounting

           Accountants                     For professional advice, dealing with all
                                                aspects of accounts and tax

                                           Day and evening appointments available

                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304

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