Page 36 - br-dec-2020
P. 36

December 2020                                                                       December 2020
       own control first, then if it still proved necessary to lobby for a 20mph limit despite
       not meeting all the criteria, we would be in a stronger position.
       Our  conclusion  was  that  the  Council  was  strongly  in  favour  of  supporting  Alison
       Bennett in her attempt to slow traffic and make Rye Hill safer. However, in view of
       not meeting all the criteria we felt a staged approach would enable the impact
       of other measures to be tried and tested first which would have more chance of
       success with Dorset Council in due course.
       Our proposed staged approach, therefore is to:
       1.  Implement  the  SID  as  quickly  as  possible  as  this  has  been  shown  to  be  very
       impactful in other places.
       2.  To  re-introduce  the  Community  Speed  Watch  scheme,  and  we  warmly
       welcomed the offer of volunteer leadership and involvement in this from people
       supporting the petition.
       3.  Measure  the  impact  of  these  initiatives  over  a  period  and  assess  the
       effectiveness in slowing traffic on Rye Hill.
       4. If further measures were still required after a period of assessment, then lobby
       Dorset Council for a 20-mph zone in due course, when the evidence of our own
       actions is likely to gain more support from the Council .

       New Bench
       The  council  have now  purchased  the  new  picnic  benches  which  will  shortly  be
       installed near the stream and Souls’ Bridge on the Elder Road open space, and in
       the Play Park. If anyone is interested in making a donation in memory of a loved
       one towards the cost of these, and placing a plaque with the name of your loved
       one(s)  on  the  bench,  please  contact  the  Clerk,  Amanda  Crocker  on

       We have also kindly been given a donation from someone in memory of a loved
       one,  to  purchase  and  situate  another  new  bench  in  the  Stanbarrow  Close/
       Shitterton area.

       Tree Works
       The  council  agreed  at  the  meeting  to
       undertake  extensive  tree  surgery  and
       surveys to a number of the trees on the land
       alongside  the  stream  in  the  Elder  Road
       area. These important works will ensure the
       safety  and  longevity  of  these  trees  for  the
       future.  As  many  trees  have  come  down  in

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