Page 24 - br-dec-2020
P. 24

December 2020                                                                       December 2020

       DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT                                                  We’ll all get through the crisis     With music and song and laughter
                                                                                            And be back to join our mates        Soon every bell would be ringing.

                                                                                            Just hoping I’m not far too wide
       20mph limits – A guide to                                                            To fit though the flaming gates!     When hearts are heavy and eyes look
       principle and process                                                                                                     The sky looks dark and grey
                                                                                                               © Jan Beaumont
       This  was  discussed  at  a  recent  meeting                                                                              But when hearts are happy and eyes
       of  Bere  Regis  Parish  Council  and  may                                                                                look glad
       well  be  of  interest  to  other  Parish                                            A Christmas gift                     Then it’s a lovely day.
       Councils who would like to know what is

       involved.  Below  is  a  template  for  the
       items  that  need  to  be  addressed  and                                            "I wrote 'A Christmas gift' in 1979 and   If I were a fairy on a Christmas tree
       considered  before  a  project  can  be                                              entered it in a song contest at 2CR   I’d give them a gift from up above
       approved.    Although  the  Index  of                                                Radio Station. It came 3rd and was   I’d give them the message of
       Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is referred to it will have little effect as far as I can see   broadcast on 2CR Radio at the time. It's   Christmas
       for Purbeck based schemes. For those of you interested in this the IMD details can   also available to hear on YouTube with   And fill every heart with love.
       be found on line at       a video created especially for it"

       The  Department  of  Transport  has  encouraged  highway  authorities  to  introduce                                      If I were a fairy on a Christmas tree
       20mph limits in urban areas and village streets that are primarily residential. Dorset   If I were a fairy on a Christmas tree   I’d give them goodwill and mirth
       Council  supports  in  principle  the  introduction  of  20mph  speed  limits  and  zones   I’d give everyone a magic gift
       where appropriate to do so. For speed limit changes to be considered by Dorset       I’d give them the gift of happiness   I’d fill every heart with understanding
       Council  a  formal  request  should  be  received  from  either  the  local  Dorset   The happiness that gives life a lift.   And give them love and peace on
       Councillor and/or the parish/town council. This policy sets out the background to                                         Earth -
       such  limits  and  the  criteria  that  the  Council  will  use  to  consider  whether  to                                Christmas is love and peace on Earth.
       introduce such limits and how potential schemes would be prioritised across the      If I were a fairy on a Christmas tree                   Eileen Richardson
       county.                                                                              I’d give them the gift of singing
       Department for Transport (DfT) criteria underpins all speed limit reduction requests.
       The main reference document is DfT. circular 01/2013 ‘Setting Local Speed Limits’.
       Threshold  criteria  for  initial  consideration  of  potential  20mph  limits/zones.  The   A Stitch in Time             The five will give way, in time to six.
       Council  will  evaluate  schemes  against  this  methodology  on  a  location  by                                         Once upon a time, in the shire of
       location  basis.  Unless  in  exceptional  circumstances,  locations  will  not  be   If you have the notion for what to do,   Devon,
       considered for 20mph schemes where any of the following apply:                      A stitch in time could well save two.   My rested spirit reached out for seven.
                                                                                           If it saves two, it seems to me,      When you get to seven, and the hour is
       1. they are on A or B class roads;
                                                                                           With care and attention, that may be   late,
       2. they have existing mean speeds above 30 mph;                                     three.                                By candlelight, it may save eight,
                                                                                           With three in the bag, that opens the   But, a good example of very bad
       3.  there  is  no  significant  community  support  as  assessed  by  the  local  County
       Councillor. In assessing community support, Councillors should review the views of   door,                                rhyme,
       town/parish councils and local residents’ views.                                    To an outside chance of saving four.   And it’s worth repeating, to underline,
                                                                                           If you’re willing to put in work and   A good example of very bad rhyme,
       Locations will then only be considered for 20 mph limits or zones if two out of three   strive,
       of the following criteria are met:                                                                                        Is when a stitch in time, saves nine.
                                                                                           With imagination, the tally is five.

                                                                                           For skilful people, who know a few    Paul J Openshaw October 2020

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