Page 22 - br-dec-2020
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December 2020                                                                       December 2020
       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                               POP IN PLACE NEWS

        Reflecting on 2020                                                                   Pop In Place Christmas message
        As  we  come  to  the  end  of  2020,  I’m  sure  you  will                         Christmas  will  be  very  different  this  year  as  an
        agree with me that this year has been like no other.                                organisation  we  will  miss  bringing  you  the  live
        Never  before  in  this  country  have  we  had                                     entertainment  that  you  enjoy,  I  have  asked  Alison  to
        lockdowns and quarantines; a whole generation of                                    include  a  couple  of  Christmas  Nativity  photos  from
        children  been  sent  home  from  school;  shops  and                               previous years.
        business  closed  with  staff  on  furlough;  and  rules
        implemented  restricting  who  we  may  meet  and                                                                        Next  Year  2021  the  Pop  In  Place  will
        where.  “Unprecedented” is a word that has been                                                                          have  been  running  in  your  community
        used a great deal this year, with reason. I’m not sure                                                                   for 25 years and we really hope that we
        any of us have found this year easy, and the challenges have been many and                                               can  celebrate  our  Silver  Jubilees  in
        varied.                                                                                                                  some way.
        All  of  these  things  have  been  so  sad,  and  I  know  that  the  recent  national                                  The  effects  of  not  being  able  to  bring
        restrictions in November have been difficult for many. But recently the news has                                         the community together this year have
        been better. Things are looking up. I have always been an optimist, with the view                                        been  quite  devastating  especially  for
        that  things  will  improve.  Mass  testing  is  starting,  with  some  of  the  trials  here  in                        those  who  live  alone.  We  want  you  to
                                               Poole. In the last few days, we have                                              know  that  as  soon  as  the  Cafes  can
                                               had  the  announcement  of  a                                                     return, we are ready to go if you would
                                               vaccine  that  is  effective.      It  still                                      like to be a volunteer please  do email
                                               needs  to  have  some  more  checks
                                               to  ensure  its  safety,  but  then          me and let me know , we also need
                                               hopefully it will be rolled out across       people  to  drive  clients.  There  are  a
                                               the country as quickly as possible.          few ideas that we are exploring the
                                                                                            first  priority  will  be  getting  the  café
                                               Over  the  last  nine  months,  there        up and running. Then there are ideas
                                               have  been  trials,  but  there  have        a float to start up a repair type shop
                                               also been some fantastic examples            project in the Lower hall and we are
                                               of  communities  working  together.          in  negotiations  with  the  Parish
        Whether  on  an  informal  basis  with  neighbours  looking  out  for  each  other,  or   Council  to  ask if  they  would  release
        through the more formal community support groups that have developed. They          a small bit of Souls Moor to start up a
        have  offered  support  and  care  for  more  vulnerable  people  when  shielding,   gardening  open-air  project  as  this
        befriending those who are lonely, shopping for those needing to self-isolate and    may  be  the  first  step  to  getting
        practical  and  logistical  support  to  many  in  our  communities.  Our  two  unitary   people together.
        councils have worked incredibly hard to provide advice and support, as have
        our  town  and  parish  councils.  The  recent  Acts  of  Remembrance  have         The Pop In Performers Group will re-launch as soon as it is safe with the possibility
        highlighted  how  quickly  we  can  adapt  and  change,  yet  still  honouring  that   of an outside production in the summer or a Christmas Variety Show at the end of
        which has gone before.                                                              next year all depending on the situation.
        The start of December marks the beginning of Advent in our churches. Advent is      The Food Bank will be continuing with the Food Bank as long as there is a need
        the season of hope and expectation as we look forward to Christmas. In these        currently we are delivering to 15 families a week. Thank you to all our helpers and
        dark  Covid  days,  let  us  look  forward  to  the  time  when  we  can  meet  and   to the villagers who have donated either money or food. Please see the poster
        celebrate  together  again,  when  we  can  hug  our  parents  and  grandparents,   about the reverse advent calendar this could be done by a few households or
        when all the restrictions are lifted, and we can move forward with life again.      families or work places together we realise that 24 items is quite a big ask.

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