Page 23 - br-dec-2020
P. 23

December 2020                       December 2020
 The weaver of life   I would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and peaceful new year.
 The colourful plumes of a bird of

 Who is the weaver of life’s changing   paradise   If  you  have  an  issue  that  you  need  help  with,  please  email  me  on or contact my office on
 pattern   The majestic height of the stately tree   01202  624216.  You  can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been  doing  on
 Who is the artist drawing life’s master   The everchanging clouds in evening   Twitter  @Michael4mdnp  or  Facebook
 plan   skies?   michael4MDNP

 Who puts the diamonds in the dewy
 webs of morning   Who could imagine a dolphin at play
 The golden sunrise from a master’s   The eagle soaring way up in the sky
 hand?   The stars all shining like jewels in the   LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT

 Who puts the questions in the mind of a   The fragile beauty of a butterfly?
          Michael Tomlinson MP      
 Who puts the words in the mouths of   Who is the weaver of life’s changing   holds regular surgeries
 great men   pattern   in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
 Symphonic music – oh when it is written   Whose hand can turn the mighty tide   details of forthcoming   
 Whose hand is guiding the writer’s   Who is the artist to draw us the sunshine   surgeries or to make an
 pen?   And paint us a smile when every man   appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP

 has cried?   contact his office.
 Who could imagine the grace of   Eileen Richardson

 The Day the Calendar Comes
 Alive   Look to see if Santa’s been,
 And nothing matters more.

 Not waiting for the dawn to crack,   Forget the clock, forget the hour,
 When heads have hardly hit the sack,   The church bell ringing in the tower,
 The kids are first, all with a burst,   Tells the world the time
 They tumble down the stairs.   Has only just gone half past four.
 Listen to the peals of laughter,
 Who needs sleep? That’s not the way,
 Ringing out from floor to rafter,
 To make the most of Christmas day.
 Looking for the presents,
 Forget the flagging spirit,
 Which they know are surely theirs.
    For just one day in the year.
 Chorus   The fickle feast of festive fun,
 Holly bough and mistletoe,   Will very soon be gone and done;
 The Christmas tree, the fall of snow,   To see a new day dawning,
 The magic and the mystery survive,   In the season of good cheer.
 The day the calendar comes alive.
    Paul J Openshaw
 Once the day is set in motion,
 Stay in bed’s, a wasted notion.

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