Page 20 - br-dec-2020
P. 20

December 2020                                                                       December 2020

        Battle  for  Mount  Sorrell.  He
        was 26 years old. He was a
        cousin of Frank Miller.
        Frank  George  was  born  in
        Bere  Regis  and  was  a  son
        of the landlord of the Royal
        Oak.  He  was  a  cousin  of
        Thomas  Hardy.    He  was  a
        Second  Lieutenant  in  the
        5    Battalion,   Dorsetshire
        Regiment  and  was  killed in
        Gallipoli,  at  the  age  of  34,
        on  the  22  August  1915,  in
        the same action as 3 other men from Bere Regis.
        Frederick Johnson was born in Bere Regis and lived in West Street. He emigrated
        to Canada and enlisted in the Canadian Forces. He was killed on 6 June 1916 at
        the  age  of  27  together  with  200  other  soldiers  when  a  mine  was  exploded
        beneath their trench at Hooge, near Ypres. He is commemorated on the Menin
        Gate Memorial to 55,000 men who were killed in the Ypres Salient and who have
        no known grave.
        Percy Lockyer was born in Bere Regis and lived at Lane End, Middle Heath as a
        thatcher’s assistant, He was killed on 14 April 1917 at the age of 34 while serving
        with the 1  Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment. He is commemorated on the Thiepval
        His brother, William Lockyer, was killed a year later on 15 May 1918 at the age of
        37, near Arras in France while also serving with the Dorsets.
        Federick Lovell’s parents lived in Bere Regis. Frederick served in the Royal Artillery
        and was killed on the 11 July 1944 in Normandy during the breakout  from the D
        Day beaches. He is buried in the same cemetery as George Bowditch. He was 19
        years old when he was killed.

        Frank Miller was born in Bere Regis and lived at Townsend Farm. He was a cousin
        of  Fred  Davis  who  lived  nearby  in  North  Street.  He  served  in  the  5   Battalion,
        Dorsetshire  Regiment.  He  died  of  wounds  on  19  August  1917  at  the  age  of  35
        during  the  Battle  of  Passchendaele  and  is  commemorated  on  the  Tyne  Cot
        Memorial to the 35,000men killed in the Ypres Salient who have no known grave.

        Herbert Morris was born in Cerne Abbas and in 1901 was living in Briantspuddle as
        a ploughboy. He emigrated to Canada and was killed on 13 October 1915 while
        serving with the Canadian forces south of Ypres. He was 30 years old.
        Walter Rawles was born in Bere Regis and lived at the Warren. He served in the
        5th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment and  was one of the four men from Bere Regis

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