Page 19 - br-december-2018
P. 19

December 2018                       December 2018

 Salisbury Cathedral Christmas Carol Concert – Wednesday
 12 December
 N.B.  After running the LLOC for the last 18 years I’ve decided that this will be the
 last outing that I organise.  Thank you all of you who’ve been on trips – what fun
 we’ve  had  –  and  only  6  wet  days  in  all  that  time!    I’ve  found  someone  who’s
 considering taking on the future running of the club, providing enough Members
 will let them have the contact details in the Club’s database.  Please let me know
 if you’re happy for me to pass your details over, or not.  Thank you all.

 Just  6  tickets  left  available  as I  write  for  our  last  outing  of  the  year,  to  Salisbury
 Cathedral’s  Christmas  Carol  Concert,  so  please  don’t  leave  it  too  late  to  book
 and risk disappointment.
 These  Christmas  Carol  Concerts  are  only  open  to  groups  and  are  similar  to  the
 famous  ‘Lessons  and  Carols’  from  King’s  College,  Cambridge.    At  14.00  The
 Cathedral Choristers and the Men’s Choir combine to give a magnificent choral
 concert  that  benefits  from  the  cathedral’s  wonderful  acoustics.    Following  the
 Concert we’ll enjoy mulled wine and mince pies in the Cloisters.
 You’ll be able to combine the concert with a optional 60 min Cathedral Floor Tour
 at 12.00 at no extra cost, or enjoy a 90 min tour of the Cathedral Tower at 11.30, if
 you’re fit and can manage the 332 steps!, for £13.50 extra, The Refectory will be
 open for lunch.

 The excellent Salisbury Christmas Market will also be open, so you could opt for
 Christmas shopping before the Cathedral Tour, or miss the tour and spend more
 time at the market and shops!  There’s also the option to visit ‘Arundells’, Edward
 Heath’s  former  home,  and  the  National  Trust’s  ‘Mompesson  House’,  both  in  the
 Cathedral Close.
 The  total  price,  including  a  transept  seat,  the  coach,  concert  entrance  and
 (optional)  cathedral  tour,  is  £25  each.    We’ll  leave  Lytchett  Matravers  (free
 Parking) at 09.00 on Wednesday 12 December and return from the Cathedral at
 16.00, to be back home, full of Christmas spirits, at c.17.15.

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