Page 21 - br-december-2018
P. 21

December 2018                       December 2018

       the evening our Beacon was lit at 7.05pm as part of the National Beacon Lighting
       Ceremony  and  accompanied  by  the  church  bells  ringing,  and  then  this  was
       followed by refreshments at the Scout Hut.

       Christmas Trees

       The Christmas trees have been ordered and will be delivered during the first week
       of December. We will notify everyone via Facebook as soon as they are available
 100gm/4oz butter   for  collection.  There  will  also  be  some  extras  available  for  people  who  didn’t
       manage to pre-order one, on a first-come, first-served basis.
 100g/4oz caster sugar

 1 egg yolk    School Grant
 225g/8oz plain flour sifted    We  were  delighted  to  approve  a  grant  application  from  Bere  Regis  School  for
       £375  to cover half  the cost  of  the Life  Education  Van.  This  provides  a  valuable
 1 teaspoon chestnut puree (either sweet or natural)   resource  for  the  school,  informing  and  educating  their  students  in  a  variety  of
 Baking sheets, greased.  Oven 150-160C 300-325F gas mark 2-3

 Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add egg yolk, flour   Open Spaces
 and lastly the puree.  Kneed together thoroughly.
       The wildlife and Environment Group had a successful work party on Saturday 3
 Roll out on a floured board and cut into approx 2” rounds or   November.  Working with the lengthsman, the area adjacent to the road water
       drain into the stream close to the seat on the streamside walk at the beginning of
 stars.  Place them on the baking tray and bake for approx 30mins   the boardwalk has been built up to a level area and the vegetation on the south
       side of the stream cleared. This will provide a more attractive view across Souls
 until the biscuits are golden brown.
       Moor to the school and the new pond.

       Winter Management Plan

       We have recently reviewed and updated our winter maintenance plan, making
       sure  we  are  ready  for  any
       eventualities  if  we  get  a  spell  of
       adverse  weather  over  the  winter.
       We are currently ensuring all grit bins
       are  full  and  ready  to  be  used.  If
       there is a spell of snow or heavy ice,
       these  can  be  used  to  make  the
       paths  more  accessibl.  We  would
       encourage  all  residents  to  try  and
       clear  the  areas  near  to  their  house
       and  particularly  help  any  elderly  or
       vunerable neighbours if possible.
                         Bryan Benjafield

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