Page 23 - br-december-2018
P. 23

December 2018                       December 2018

 to take up a partnership at another Practice. We all wish her well in her new role.

 Carers’ Meeting   The new “Dorset Council”
 The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 18th at Please see
       Following his appointment as the Chief Executive of
 notice board in the Surgery, or speak to Jo or Mechelle for exact details.   Dorset Council, Matt Prosser is starting the design of
       the rest of the management structure of the Council.

       As the Cabinet Member for workforce I am working
 Staff Training
       closely  with  him  planning  the  next  Phase  of
 Please note that the Surgery will be closed for staff training on the following dates :   interviews for the senior executive positions as well as
       planning out the structure of the organisation going
 Thursday December 20th from 1.00-2.00pm   forward.  We  have  agreed  there  will  be  four
       Executive  Directors,  plus  the  Director  of  Public
 Thursday 17th January 2019 from 3.30-6.30pm
       Health, who is shared with the other single authority;
 If you require urgent medical attention that cannot wait until the Surgery re-opens   Bournemouth  Christchurch  and  Poole.  The  four
 please call 111. In an emergency please call 999.   Directors  will  be  responsible  for  Children’s  Services;  Adult  Services;  Place;  and
       Corporate Services. The Executive Director responsible for Corporate Services will

       probably  be  the  Chief  Operating  Officer  and  will  be  the  designated  Chief
 Christmas and New Year Closing Times   Finance Officer.
 The Surgery will be closed:   The work on bringing the services together is being referred to as convergence
       which will produce considerable savings primarily by the removal of duplication.
 Tuesday December 25th, 2018
       However, even greater savings will be from what is termed transformation arising
 Wednesday December 26th, 2018   from flatter organisation structures, and doing things differently. This will, however,
       take a few years to fully realise these savings.
 Tuesday January 1st,  2019,

 There will be walk-in sessions on the morning of  Thursday, Dec 27th , and the usual   Dorset County Museum
 one on Wednesday Jan 2nd, 2019.
       I am a Trustee of the Museum on behalf of Dorset County Council. In my role I

       have helped the organisation modernise its business processes and assisted in two
 Repeat Medication   major projects. The first is building a new museum with grant aid from the Heritage
                                                              Lottery  Fund  and
 Please  ensure  that  any  repeat  medication  -  especially  special  orders,  are
 requested in plenty of time allowing a little more than the usual two full working      the  second  was
                                                              the  Dippy  on  Tour
                                                              project  which  was
 We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our patients a ‘Happy Christmas   a  success  beyond
 and a Healthy New Year’.                                     o u r    w i l d e s t
                                                              dreams.   At   the
                                                              recent 2018 Dorset
                                                              Tourism   Awards,
                                                              for  Dippy  on  Tour
                                                              the  Museum  won
       both  the  ‘Tourism  Event  of  the  Year’  category  and  the  overall  ‘Outstanding
       Contribution  to  Dorset  Tourism  2018’  award.  We  are  very  proud  of  this  for  the
       pleasure it gave to thousands of children (as well as adults) and  the estimated

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