Page 15 - br-december-2018
P. 15

December 2018                       December 2018


        Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting
        Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting
        Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddler Group
        Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer

        On  Sunday  2   December    at  10.30am  we  will  again  be  having  a  baptismal
        service.  Two of our members will be making this public confession of their faith in
        Jesus, so fulfilling His command to ‘believe and be baptised’. These services are
        always  very  joyful  occasions,  visitors  are  most  welcome.    Please  join  us  for  our
        Christmas services too.
        Christmas Carol Service:  16  December at 6.30pm
        Christmas Day : Short Family Service at 10.30am

        The Perfect Place

        The  pains  are  getting  stronger  all  the
        time, I am cold, cold and tired.
        I  stretch  myself  and  arch  to  ease  my
        back,  but  it’s  impossible  to  get

        Joseph looks so tired.  He’s afraid.
        Afraid that I shall give birth to this baby
        while I’m still on the donkey.
        But I know You have a plan, Lord.

        Poor Joseph, poor dear Joseph.
        We’ve  only  known  each  other  a  short
        time, and I seem to have brought him
        nothing but grief.
        No one else believed me, Joseph. They insist this child belongs to another man.
         Together we have suffered strife of tongues. The gossips had their day.

        Is my little one determined to be born tonight.
        Everything is waiting at home, the crib Joseph has carved ...the soft linen I have
        put ready.

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