Page 59 - BR August 2023
P. 59

August 2023                          August 2023
 NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER     Now  twenty  four  hours  later,  the  continuous  rains  have  ceased  but  frequent

       heavy showers mean you mustn’t go out without a coat or umbrella. What a relief
 It’s  August, which means  that Parliament  is in recess   for us all.
 and is not sitting. Whilst I will be taking some time off
 to  spend  with  my  family,  work  as  a  Member  of   Listening to the  news  about the  rest  of the  world, we have little to worry  about
 Parliament  continues  over  the  summer  in  the   here in the U K. The world is changing due to climate change. We must do all we
 constituency as usual.   can  to  reduce  our  carbon  dioxide  emissions  and  do  everything  we  can  to
       encourage  the  increase  in  plant  life.  Even  if  it  means  keeping  your  garden  as
 The  Boundary  Commission  have  now  put  forward   green as possible, planting trees and shrubs where possible, keeping your eyes on
 their  recommendations  for  the  new  constituency   community spaces and doing all you can. To protect plant life especial the trees
 boundaries.  These  will  make  all  650 constituencies  a   of our world. Would you like to be living where the temperatures could exceed 45
 more similar size. At the moment I have around 65,000   degrees. NO I am sure you would not.
 adult  constituents,  which  is  quite  small  (West  Dorset
 for  example  has  over  80,000).  Mid  Dorset  and  North  Poole  is  expanding  to   Climate change is something we all must be aware of. So by doing all we can to
 include  the  North  Dorset  ward  of  Stour  and  Allen  Vale,  as  well  as  some  extra   increase  our  green  spaces  and  protecting  them  from  all  intruders  and  possible
 homes  around  the  edges  of  the   destruction  from any  source.  On that  note I will say  goodbye and  God  Bless to
    constituency.  I’m really pleased that the   you all.
 Commission  listened  carefully  to  the                               Ted Cox
 views  of local  people in  Bere Regis  and
 the  surrounding  area,  who  submitted
 their  views  about  staying  within  the   MILBORNE MOVIES
 constituency.  The  original  plans  were  to
 move Bere Regis into South Dorset.  As a
 result  of  so  many  people  getting  in   WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT?
 touch,  the  Commission  made  another   Friday 18th August 2023 at 7.30pm
 visit  to  the  area,  and  agreed  that  Bere
 Regis  has  strong  community  ties  to  its   Village  Hall,  The  Causeway,  Milborne  St  Andrew
 existing  constituency.  I’m  pleased  to   DT11 0JX
 confirm that Bere Regis will therefore stay
 in Mid Dorset and North Poole.      Doors and bar open 7.00
       Tickets  cost  £6,  which  includes  a  drink  or  an  ice-
 I recently sent out a residents’ survey about the cost of living, including details
 about the Government’s “help for households” hub. Thank you to all of your who   cream
 have returned it – its’ great to hear from you. Many people were not aware of   For  documentary-maker  and  dating  app  addict
 the  website  -  You  can  find  this  at   Zoe (Lily James), swiping right has only delivered an
 where there is information and links to sources of help.    endless  stream  of  Mr.  Wrongs,  to  her  eccentric
       mother  Cath's  (Emma  Thompson)  dismay.  For  Zoe's  childhood  friend  and
 As well as work in Dorset and London, I travelled to the Netherlands as part of a
 Parliamentary  delegation.  We  met  former  and  current  Dutch  Parliamentarians,   neighbor Kaz (Shazad Latif), the answer is to follow his parents' example and opt
 including the Deputy Prime Minister Sigrid Kaag. We discussed the importance of   for  an  arranged  (or  "assisted")  marriage  to  a  bright  and  beautiful  bride  from
 Bilateral  friendships  with  our  North  Sea  neighbours,  and  had  constructive   Pakistan.  As  Zoe  films  his  hopeful  journey  from  London  to  Lahore  to  marry  a
 conversations with diplomats, civil servants and others.    stranger,  chosen  by  his  parents,  she  begins  to  wonder  if  she  might  have
       something to learn from a profoundly different approach to finding love.
 Once  Parliament  returns  in  September,  there  will  again  be  the  opportunity  for
 you to visit. If you would like to attend Prime Minister’s Questions, my office can   A lighthearted rom com - One review says 'A perfect blend of laughter, joy, tears
 book  tickets  for  you.  There  are  only  a  limited  number  available,  so  please  do   and love!

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