Page 16 - BR August 2023
P. 16

August 2023                                                                          August 2023
       DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT                                                 OVER THE HILL           AUGUST 2023

       Rochester Park Homes at the                                                         Isn’t  this  a wonderful  time of the year?  We are  constantly  being  warned  about
       top of Rye Hill                                                                     heavy  rain  storms,  which  don’t  materialise  but  if  watering  of  the  gardens  is

       The new site owner , part of the Royale                                             continued  what  wonderful  displays  of  garden  flowers  we  will  see  if  the  current
       life  group,  applied  for  a  site  licence                                        supplies  continue.  Roses  have  been  remarkable  this  year  everywhere  but  sadly
       and  DC  carried  out  an  appropriate                                              many  have  now  stopped  flowering  but  even  in  Blandford,  I  have  seen  today
       assessment  and  went  through  a                                                   wonderful  display  of  annuals  of  all  colours  and  species  in  their  multi  layered
       consultation exercise. DC subsequently                                              circular displays at the roadside.
       refused  the  application  as  submitted                                            The plant life of the countryside is somewhat different but the greatest things to
       and  entered  into  correspondence                                                  see  are  the  wonderful  foliage  displays  of  all  our  trees.  Wild  flowers  of  the
       between  the  legal  representative  of                                             countryside are not as resplendent as are their bigger companions. This of course
       the organisation and ourselves.                                                     is due to trees obtaining their water supplies from the greater depths of the earth,
       Essentially DC are prepared to accept a residential site but for a limited number of   while flowering  plants  are  of  course  dependent  on  surface  supplies.  If  however
       units  which  the  company  had  not  agreed  to.  Subsequently  the  company  has   you  are  out in  the countryside in company  with  others  be careful  what  you  do
       employed  new  management  who have a  less combative  style  and  are  working     and say because:-
       with us.

       The site was not being used by residents but was being marketed. The company
       took a decision to relocate the park homes from the site to others it owns whilst the
       site licence is determined.                                                                                                             Potatoes have EYES
       As it stands there is no residential site licence in place and will not be used as such
       until a licence is in place.
                                                                                                                                               Corn has EARS

       Cecily Bridge                                                                                                                           And beansTALK
       A number of residents have suggested the bridge on the road to Throop is being
       widened.  It isn’t and below is a statement from Officers

       Cecily Bridge is not being widened.
                                                                                            So you see, be careful what you do and say. No gossiping no unlawful practicing,
         The  work  is  purely  maintenance  to  preserve  the  bridge.  The  underside  of  the   of  anything  that  can  be  used  against  you.  Then  you  can  return  home  safely  in
       arches down into the bed of the river are being repointed. Additionally there are   comfort,. unhurt and with memories of the countryside at your side. However you
       some  deeper scour holes in  the  bed  caused  by  the  flow  of  water,   which could   will have contributed carbon dioxide and perhaps some water to the ecosystem.
       ultimately undermine the bridge leading to collapse. The holes will be filled in and
       a tree that is constricting the channel, probably contributing to the scour, will be   Thinking of environmental matters, it has been a very difficult year for all farmers.
       removed.                                                                            Both  arable  and  livestock,  with  early  high  temperatures  and  lack  of  rainfall
                                                                                           resulting, in poor, late grazing, poor silage, haylage and hay harvests. Which result
                                                                                           in a  reduction in  milk and meat sales and a worrying winter to come.
       The Barge in Portland                                                               On the other side, the arable farmers also are in trouble, all the cereal crops and
                                                                                           vegetable  are  dependent  on  having  water  available  in  the  top  few  inches  of
       Over recent weeks, Dorset Council has been negotiating with the Home Office to      the.soil.
       secure  an  appropriate  funding  package  for  our  work  on  the  Portland  barge

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