Page 13 - BR August 2023
P. 13

August 2023                          August 2023





 Fruit and veg continue to be very popular with new
 supplies  on  Saturdays  and,  when  we  can,
 Wednesdays. We generally have a good supply of
 salad items for the better weather including watercress and salad leaves from The
 Watercress Company which are usually in on Thursdays. So shop local!

 Frustratingly,  problems  continue  with  our  till  system.  The  company  who  supplies
 the system provided a new stand (at no charge); while things are improving this
 has not solved the problems of irregular ‘crashes’ entirely. BT have been out again
 and the poor man spent over 2 hours on an extremely wet day down a hole in
 the  road.  We  hope  that  his  efforts  will  be  worthwhile!    Our  thanks  go  to  all  our
 customers for your patience and occasional sense of humour! We struggle on.
    We are continually trying new lines
 and  are  always  grateful  for  any
 feedback.  If there is something you
 would like the shop to stock, please
 let us know. We have increased the
 variety  of  bread  and  cakes  from
 the Italian Bakery on Saturdays (the
 focaccia is  very  popular)  so  come
 along and treat yourselves.
 We  are  always  looking  for  more
 help either in the shop itself or with many of the supporting tasks. Please do get in
 touch  if  you  can  spare  a  bit  of  time.  You  can  e-mail or drop in to the shop and leave your contact details and we will be in
 touch very quickly!
 A reminder of our opening hours:
 Shop: 9am – 12 noon Monday to Saturday and 10am – 12 noon on Sunday.

 PO: 9am – 12 noon Monday – Friday.
 It is your shop, so please support it.

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