Page 15 - BR August 2023
P. 15

August 2023                          August 2023
 They had a reasonable early autumn and winter but the huge lack of water since   apply well in advance. There are details on my website about the various tours
 has  seriously  effected  both  winter  and  spring  sown  crops.  Harvesting  will  be  a   that are  available –  please  do have  a look. You  can also sign up for  my  email
 much easier time but yields of straw and grain will be lower than anticipated. This   newsletter, or read more details about what I have been doing.
 will mean huge losses for cereal farmers, rain in June and July was far too late to
 improve  either  the  grain  or  straw  quality  and  yields.  The  poor  straw  quantity   If you have an issue that you need help with, please do get in touch; email me on
 produced, will be a severe loss to the livestock farmers who depend on it for winter or contact my office on 01202 624216. You
 bedding and feeding.   can also follow what I’ve been doing on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Threads.
 The  living  species  that
 have had a wonderful
 year  so  far  are  of
 course  the  trees  of  all
 types.  This  as  already
 mentioned   is   their
 ability  to  send  roots
 much  deeper  into  the
 soil where there is still a
 plentiful  supply  of  this
 simple  but  essential
 nutrient   for   growth,   Michael Tomlinson MP   LOCAL MEMBER OF
 namely   water..   The   holds regular surgeries
 tree has in the heart of                    PARLIAMENT
 roots, trunks and branches a system of cells, known as xylem, is made of hard tube   in the constituency.  For
 cells, which can take water from the lowest root to the highest branch or twig. This   details of forthcoming
 is  the  heartwood  of  the  trunk.  This  ,hard,  central  hose  like  structures  are  then   surgeries or to make an   
 covered by a softer outer layer known as phloem including the bark which is the   appointment, please
 dead or dyeing cells of  the outer phloem. Water is carried up to the leaves where   contact his office.     01202 624216
 the chlorophyll, that wonderful, green    organic chemical, activates the reaction
 between the water and chemicals from the root system and the carbon dioxide   
 from  air  to create  the  organic  compounds  used  for  the  growth  of  more  leaves,
 more phloem and more xylem and more trees.

  All tree leaves have a wax like covering on the top side to prevent water loss, this
 allows moisture to remain within the leaf to allow growth materials from the water
 to remain where it has risen from the roots to the underside of the leaves to work   Did you Know?
 with the chemicals in that water obtained from the soils and of course the carbon
 dioxide  from  the  atmosphere.  All  these  elements  with  the  aid  of  chlorophyll   Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered to your door each month
 produce growth in all parts of the trees.   if you live within the parishes?

 Now  on  the  third  week  of  July  we  have  had  heavy  rainfall  overnight  and  the   We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
 following day. Everything has changed all this worrying and the need to water the   delivery of this magazine, and for just £10 a year (which is £2 less than you
 garden.  Both  over  the  hill  here  in  Turnerspuddle  and  in  Bere  Regis.  the  rain  has   would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be included
 been  pouring  down  for  the  first  tine  for  weeks.  A  little  late  for  the  farming
 community but a great relief for the gardeners, who won’t have to water tonight   on one of these rounds.
 or for several nights to come. It was raining hard at seven o’clock this morning and   Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham
 now, at five o’clock in the afternoon it is still raining very hard.,
                  or  01929 471780

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