Page 12 - BR August 2023
P. 12

August 2023                                                                          August 2023
       DORSET HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST                                                      VILLAGE HALL NEWS

                                                                                            So  here  we  are  at  the  beginning  of  August,
                                                       SPONSORED RIDE                       traditionally a quieter month for the village hall on
                                                       AND STRIDE 2023                      the surface but actually at least as busy under the
                                                                                            surface. This month we’ll do our annual deep clean
                                                       Will take place on                   of floors doors windows light units and the kitchen.
                                                       Saturday 9th                         A small team of people set to with the hard work of
                                                       September 2023                       enabling  our  hall  to  be  the  shining  example  it  is  throughout  the  year.  Any
                                                                                            additional offers of help would be gratefully received.
       Riders,  whether  on  bikes,
       ponies,  horses  or  good  old-                                                      August is also the month when the new 100 club draw kicks off and hopefully by
       fashioned walkers are looking                                                        now you will all have had the opportunity to by a ticket or two for the draw. Apart
       for  sponsorship  for  this  cause                                                   from  the  prize  money  every  penny  of  your  ticket  goes  to  village  hall  funds  so
       and  will  be  visiting  churches                                                    please  use  this  method  of  supporting  us  and  who  knows  you  may  be  a  lucky
       throughout the county on the                                                         winner  and  remember  past  performance  doesn’t  indicate  future  potential  so
       day.                                                                                 never having won before is not to say this year might not be your winning year so
                                                                                            give it a go.
       You  can  visit  as  few  or  as
       many   churches   as   you                                                           We’ve spoken a  lot about net  zero and  carbon  neutral  being the way  forward
       choose    and    can    be                                                           and so we are now looking to set up a small group of people to investigate the
       sponsored per church or as a                                                         options available to the village hall so that it can be as environmentally friendly
       set sum for all                                                                      and sustainably run as possible. Again I’d love it if one or two might offer to help
                                                                                            with  research  in  this  area  and  please  don’t  assume  as  it’s  only  one  or  two
       If  you  are  intending  to  be  a                                                   someone  else  has  volunteered  before  you  can.  They’re  all  thinking/hoping  the
       sponsored rider then for more                                                        same thing.
       info please contact
                                                                                            Although  as  trustees  we  don’t  wish  to  start  ring-fencing  specific  funds  we  have
       Pat Wharf (for Bere Regis)   01929 472246                  agreed  that  the  monies  raised  from  certain  events  will  have  a  loose  allocation
                                                                                            towards  green  initiatives  so  that  once  we  have  researched  ideas  and  want  to
       Richard Killer (for Affpuddle)    01929 471202         move  forward  there  will  be  a  hopefully  growing  pot  of  money  available  to
       You can ride alone or with family or friends                                         kickstart these plans. So please look out for events that will be advertised as such
                                                                                                                          knowing  we’re  making  a  start  in  the  right
       Many churches will be open during the day and some including Bere Regis and                                        direction.  The  monies  are  not  specifically
       Affpuddle will offer a welcome and a refreshing fruit juice                                                        earmarked  as  to  do  so  would  mean  that’s  all
       You can direct 50% of your sponsorship money to one of our churches so DHCT                                        the  money  could  be  spent  on  even  if  no
       receive half and your local church half!                                                                           projects where forthcoming an issue we would
                                                                                                                          like to avoid.
       Good luck and thank you!
                                                                                                                          An  advance  notice is  that  on  7   October  we
                                                                                                                          have  an  Evening  with  Nina  Garcia  evening  in
                                                                                                                          the  village  hall.  Search  her  name  on  the
                                                                                                                          internet and you’ll be able to hear her, she’s a
                                                                                                                          fantastic local artist (fiddle player and vocalist)
                                                                                                                          who  will  I’m  sure  provide  a  thoroughly
                                                                                                                          enjoyable  evening.    Get  your  tickets  before

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